
type slicesByAction

// append appends slices from another slicesByAction struct.
func (s *slicesByAction) append(slices slicesByAction) {}

type totalsByAction

// add adds totals from another totalsByAction struct.
func (t *totalsByAction) add(totals totalsByAction) {}

// newDesiredCalc initializes and returns a new desiredCalc.
func newDesiredCalc() *desiredCalc {}

type desiredCalc

type multiAddrTypePortMapKey

// initPorts initializes ports for a subset and address type and returns the
// corresponding addrTypePortMapKey.
func (d *desiredCalc) initPorts(subsetPorts []v1.EndpointPort) multiAddrTypePortMapKey {}

// addAddress adds an EndpointAddress to the desired state if it is valid. It
// returns false if the address was invalid.
func (d *desiredCalc) addAddress(address v1.EndpointAddress, multiKey multiAddrTypePortMapKey, ready bool) bool {}

type slicesByAddrType

// recycleSlices will recycle the slices marked for deletion by replacing
// creates with updates of slices that would otherwise be deleted.
func recycleSlices(slices *slicesByAction) {}

// removeSlice removes an EndpointSlice from a list of EndpointSlices.
func removeSlice(slices []*discovery.EndpointSlice, sliceToRemove *discovery.EndpointSlice) []*discovery.EndpointSlice {}

// toSliceByAddrType returns lists of EndpointSlices grouped by address.
func toSlicesByAddrType(slices []*discovery.EndpointSlice) slicesByAddrType {}