
type backoffRecord

type backoffStore

func (s *backoffStore) updateBackoffRecord(record backoffRecord) error {}

func (s *backoffStore) removeBackoffRecord(jobId string) error {}

func newBackoffStore() *backoffStore {}

var backoffRecordKeyFunc

func (s *backoffStore) newBackoffRecord(key string, newSucceededPods []*v1.Pod, newFailedPods []*v1.Pod) backoffRecord {}

func sortByFinishedTime(pods []*v1.Pod) {}

// Returns the pod finish time using the following lookups:
// 1. if all containers finished, use the latest time
// 2. if the pod has Ready=False condition, use the last transition time
// 3. if the pod has been deleted, use the `deletionTimestamp - grace_period` to estimate the moment of deletion
// 4. fallback to pod's creation time
// Pods owned by Kubelet are marked with Ready=False condition when
// transitioning to terminal phase, thus being handled by (1.) or (2.).
// Orphaned pods are deleted by PodGC, thus being handled by (3.).
func getFinishedTime(p *v1.Pod) time.Time {}

func getFinishTimeFromContainers(p *v1.Pod) *time.Time {}

func latestFinishTime(prevFinishTime *time.Time, cs []v1.ContainerStatus, check func(status v1.ContainerStatus) bool) *time.Time {}

func getFinishTimeFromPodReadyFalseCondition(p *v1.Pod) *time.Time {}

func getFinishTimeFromDeletionTimestamp(p *v1.Pod) *time.Time {}

func (backoff backoffRecord) getRemainingTime(clock clock.WithTicker, defaultBackoff time.Duration, maxBackoff time.Duration) time.Duration {}

// getRemainingTimePerIndex returns the remaining time left for a given index to
// create the replacement pods. The number of consecutive pod failures for the
// index is retrieved from the `job-index-failure-count` annotation of the
// last failed pod within the index (represented by `lastFailedPod`).
// The last failed pod is also used to determine the time of the last failure.
func getRemainingTimePerIndex(logger klog.Logger, clock clock.WithTicker, defaultBackoff time.Duration, maxBackoff time.Duration, lastFailedPod *v1.Pod) time.Duration {}

func getRemainingTimeForFailuresCount(clock clock.WithTicker, defaultBackoff time.Duration, maxBackoff time.Duration, failuresCount int32, lastFailureTime *time.Time) time.Duration {}