
const completionIndexEnvName

const unknownCompletionIndex

func isIndexedJob(job *batch.Job) bool {}

func hasBackoffLimitPerIndex(job *batch.Job) bool {}

type interval

type orderedIntervals

// calculateSucceededIndexes returns the old and new list of succeeded indexes
// in compressed format (intervals).
// The old list is solely based off .status.completedIndexes, but returns an
// empty list if this Job is not tracked with finalizers. The new list includes
// the indexes that succeeded since the last sync.
func calculateSucceededIndexes(logger klog.Logger, job *batch.Job, pods []*v1.Pod) (orderedIntervals, orderedIntervals) {}

// calculateFailedIndexes returns the list of failed indexes in compressed
// format (intervals). The list includes indexes already present in
// .status.failedIndexes and indexes that failed since the last sync.
func calculateFailedIndexes(logger klog.Logger, job *batch.Job, pods []*v1.Pod) *orderedIntervals {}

func isIndexFailed(logger klog.Logger, job *batch.Job, pod *v1.Pod) bool {}

// withOrderedIndexes returns a new list of ordered intervals that contains
// the newIndexes, provided in increasing order.
func (oi orderedIntervals) withOrderedIndexes(newIndexes []int) orderedIntervals {}

// with returns a new list of ordered intervals that contains the newOrderedIntervals.
func (oi orderedIntervals) merge(newOi orderedIntervals) orderedIntervals {}

// total returns number of indexes contained in the intervals.
func (oi orderedIntervals) total() int {}

func (oi orderedIntervals) String() string {}

func (oi orderedIntervals) has(ix int) bool {}

func parseIndexesFromString(logger klog.Logger, indexesStr string, completions int) orderedIntervals {}

// firstPendingIndexes returns `count` indexes less than `completions` that are
// not covered by `activePods`, `succeededIndexes` or `failedIndexes`.
// In cases of PodReplacementPolicy as Failed we will include `terminatingPods` in this list.
func firstPendingIndexes(jobCtx *syncJobCtx, count, completions int) []int {}

// Returns the list of indexes corresponding to the set of pods
func getIndexes(pods []*v1.Pod) sets.Set[int] {}

// appendDuplicatedIndexPodsForRemoval scans active `pods` for duplicated
// completion indexes. For each index, it selects n-1 pods for removal, where n
// is the number of repetitions. The pods to be removed are appended to `rm`,
// while the remaining pods are appended to `left`.
// All pods that don't have a completion index are appended to `rm`.
// All pods with index not in valid range are appended to `rm`.
func appendDuplicatedIndexPodsForRemoval(rm, left, pods []*v1.Pod, completions int) ([]*v1.Pod, []*v1.Pod) {}

// getPodsWithDelayedDeletionPerIndex returns the pod which removal is delayed
// in order to await for recreation. This map is used when BackoffLimitPerIndex
// is enabled to delay pod finalizer removal, and thus pod deletion, until the
// replacement pod is created. The pod deletion is delayed so that the
// replacement pod can have the batch.kubernetes.io/job-index-failure-count
// annotation set properly keeping track of the number of failed pods within
// the index.
func getPodsWithDelayedDeletionPerIndex(logger klog.Logger, jobCtx *syncJobCtx) map[int]*v1.Pod {}

func addIndexFailureCountAnnotation(logger klog.Logger, template *v1.PodTemplateSpec, job *batch.Job, podBeingReplaced *v1.Pod) {}

// getNewIndexFailureCount returns the value of the index-failure-count
// annotation for the new pod being created
func getNewIndexFailureCounts(logger klog.Logger, job *batch.Job, podBeingReplaced *v1.Pod) (int32, int32) {}

func appendPodsWithSameIndexForRemovalAndRemaining(rm, left, pods []*v1.Pod, ix int) ([]*v1.Pod, []*v1.Pod) {}

func getCompletionIndex(annotations map[string]string) int {}

// getIndexFailureCount returns the value of the batch.kubernetes.io/job-index-failure-count
// annotation as int32. It fallbacks to 0 when:
//   - there is no annotation - for example the pod was created when the BackoffLimitPerIndex
//     feature was temporarily disabled, or the annotation was manually removed by the user,
//   - the value of the annotation isn't parsable as int - for example because
//     it was set by a malicious user,
//   - the value of the annotation is negative or greater by int32 - for example
//     because it was set by a malicious user.
func getIndexFailureCount(logger klog.Logger, pod *v1.Pod) int32 {}

func getIndexAbsoluteFailureCount(logger klog.Logger, pod *v1.Pod) int32 {}

func parseIndexFailureCountAnnotation(logger klog.Logger, pod *v1.Pod) int32 {}

func parseIndexFailureIgnoreCountAnnotation(logger klog.Logger, pod *v1.Pod) int32 {}

func parseInt32(logger klog.Logger, vStr string) int32 {}

func addCompletionIndexEnvVariables(template *v1.PodTemplateSpec) {}

func addCompletionIndexEnvVariable(container *v1.Container) {}

func addCompletionIndexAnnotation(template *v1.PodTemplateSpec, index int) {}

func addCompletionIndexLabel(template *v1.PodTemplateSpec, index int) {}

func podGenerateNameWithIndex(jobName string, index int) string {}

type byCompletionIndex

func (bci byCompletionIndex) Less(i, j int) bool {}

func (bci byCompletionIndex) Swap(i, j int) {}

func (bci byCompletionIndex) Len() int {}

func completionModeStr(job *batch.Job) string {}