
const defaultTestingTolerance

const defaultTestingCPUInitializationPeriod

const defaultTestingDelayOfInitialReadinessStatus

type ReplicaCalculator

// NewReplicaCalculator creates a new ReplicaCalculator and passes all necessary information to the new instance
func NewReplicaCalculator(metricsClient metricsclient.MetricsClient, podLister corelisters.PodLister, tolerance float64, cpuInitializationPeriod, delayOfInitialReadinessStatus time.Duration) *ReplicaCalculator {}

// GetResourceReplicas calculates the desired replica count based on a target resource utilization percentage
// of the given resource for pods matching the given selector in the given namespace, and the current replica count
func (c *ReplicaCalculator) GetResourceReplicas(ctx context.Context, currentReplicas int32, targetUtilization int32, resource v1.ResourceName, namespace string, selector labels.Selector, container string) (replicaCount int32, utilization int32, rawUtilization int64, timestamp time.Time, err error) {}

// GetRawResourceReplicas calculates the desired replica count based on a target resource usage (as a raw milli-value)
// for pods matching the given selector in the given namespace, and the current replica count
func (c *ReplicaCalculator) GetRawResourceReplicas(ctx context.Context, currentReplicas int32, targetUsage int64, resource v1.ResourceName, namespace string, selector labels.Selector, container string) (replicaCount int32, usage int64, timestamp time.Time, err error) {}

// GetMetricReplicas calculates the desired replica count based on a target metric usage
// (as a milli-value) for pods matching the given selector in the given namespace, and the
// current replica count
func (c *ReplicaCalculator) GetMetricReplicas(currentReplicas int32, targetUsage int64, metricName string, namespace string, selector labels.Selector, metricSelector labels.Selector) (replicaCount int32, usage int64, timestamp time.Time, err error) {}

// calcPlainMetricReplicas calculates the desired replicas for plain (i.e. non-utilization percentage) metrics.
func (c *ReplicaCalculator) calcPlainMetricReplicas(metrics metricsclient.PodMetricsInfo, currentReplicas int32, targetUsage int64, namespace string, selector labels.Selector, resource v1.ResourceName) (replicaCount int32, usage int64, err error) {}

// GetObjectMetricReplicas calculates the desired replica count based on a target metric usage (as a milli-value)
// for the given object in the given namespace, and the current replica count.
func (c *ReplicaCalculator) GetObjectMetricReplicas(currentReplicas int32, targetUsage int64, metricName string, namespace string, objectRef *autoscaling.CrossVersionObjectReference, selector labels.Selector, metricSelector labels.Selector) (replicaCount int32, usage int64, timestamp time.Time, err error) {}

// getUsageRatioReplicaCount calculates the desired replica count based on usageRatio and ready pods count.
// For currentReplicas=0 doesn't take into account ready pods count and tolerance to support scaling to zero pods.
func (c *ReplicaCalculator) getUsageRatioReplicaCount(currentReplicas int32, usageRatio float64, namespace string, selector labels.Selector) (replicaCount int32, timestamp time.Time, err error) {}

// GetObjectPerPodMetricReplicas calculates the desired replica count based on a target metric usage (as a milli-value)
// for the given object in the given namespace, and the current replica count.
func (c *ReplicaCalculator) GetObjectPerPodMetricReplicas(statusReplicas int32, targetAverageUsage int64, metricName string, namespace string, objectRef *autoscaling.CrossVersionObjectReference, metricSelector labels.Selector) (replicaCount int32, usage int64, timestamp time.Time, err error) {}

// @TODO(mattjmcnaughton) Many different functions in this module use variations
// of this function. Make this function generic, so we don't repeat the same
// logic in multiple places.
func (c *ReplicaCalculator) getReadyPodsCount(namespace string, selector labels.Selector) (int64, error) {}

// GetExternalMetricReplicas calculates the desired replica count based on a
// target metric value (as a milli-value) for the external metric in the given
// namespace, and the current replica count.
func (c *ReplicaCalculator) GetExternalMetricReplicas(currentReplicas int32, targetUsage int64, metricName, namespace string, metricSelector *metav1.LabelSelector, podSelector labels.Selector) (replicaCount int32, usage int64, timestamp time.Time, err error) {}

// GetExternalPerPodMetricReplicas calculates the desired replica count based on a
// target metric value per pod (as a milli-value) for the external metric in the
// given namespace, and the current replica count.
func (c *ReplicaCalculator) GetExternalPerPodMetricReplicas(statusReplicas int32, targetUsagePerPod int64, metricName, namespace string, metricSelector *metav1.LabelSelector) (replicaCount int32, usage int64, timestamp time.Time, err error) {}

func groupPods(pods []*v1.Pod, metrics metricsclient.PodMetricsInfo, resource v1.ResourceName, cpuInitializationPeriod, delayOfInitialReadinessStatus time.Duration) (readyPodCount int, unreadyPods, missingPods, ignoredPods sets.String) {}

func calculatePodRequests(pods []*v1.Pod, container string, resource v1.ResourceName) (map[string]int64, error) {}

func removeMetricsForPods(metrics metricsclient.PodMetricsInfo, pods sets.String) {}