
// updateReplicaSetStatus attempts to update the Status.Replicas of the given ReplicaSet, with a single GET/PUT retry.
func updateReplicaSetStatus(logger klog.Logger, c appsclient.ReplicaSetInterface, rs *apps.ReplicaSet, newStatus apps.ReplicaSetStatus) (*apps.ReplicaSet, error) {}

func calculateStatus(rs *apps.ReplicaSet, filteredPods []*v1.Pod, manageReplicasErr error) apps.ReplicaSetStatus {}

// NewReplicaSetCondition creates a new replicaset condition.
func NewReplicaSetCondition(condType apps.ReplicaSetConditionType, status v1.ConditionStatus, reason, msg string) apps.ReplicaSetCondition {}

// GetCondition returns a replicaset condition with the provided type if it exists.
func GetCondition(status apps.ReplicaSetStatus, condType apps.ReplicaSetConditionType) *apps.ReplicaSetCondition {}

// SetCondition adds/replaces the given condition in the replicaset status. If the condition that we
// are about to add already exists and has the same status and reason then we are not going to update.
func SetCondition(status *apps.ReplicaSetStatus, condition apps.ReplicaSetCondition) {}

// RemoveCondition removes the condition with the provided type from the replicaset status.
func RemoveCondition(status *apps.ReplicaSetStatus, condType apps.ReplicaSetConditionType) {}

// filterOutCondition returns a new slice of replicaset conditions without conditions with the provided type.
func filterOutCondition(conditions []apps.ReplicaSetCondition, condType apps.ReplicaSetConditionType) []apps.ReplicaSetCondition {}