
type eventType

func (e eventType) String() string {}

const addEvent

const updateEvent

const deleteEvent

type event

type QuotaMonitor

// NewMonitor creates a new instance of a QuotaMonitor
func NewMonitor(informersStarted <-chan struct{}

type monitor

// Run is intended to be called in a goroutine. Multiple calls of this is an
// error.
func (m *monitor) Run() {}

type monitors

type UpdateFilter

func (qm *QuotaMonitor) controllerFor(ctx context.Context, resource schema.GroupVersionResource) (cache.Controller, error) {}

// SyncMonitors rebuilds the monitor set according to the supplied resources,
// creating or deleting monitors as necessary. It will return any error
// encountered, but will make an attempt to create a monitor for each resource
// instead of immediately exiting on an error. It may be called before or after
// Run. Monitors are NOT started as part of the sync. To ensure all existing
// monitors are started, call StartMonitors.
func (qm *QuotaMonitor) SyncMonitors(ctx context.Context, resources map[schema.GroupVersionResource]struct{}

// StartMonitors ensures the current set of monitors are running. Any newly
// started monitors will also cause shared informers to be started.
// If called before Run, StartMonitors does nothing (as there is no stop channel
// to support monitor/informer execution).
func (qm *QuotaMonitor) StartMonitors(ctx context.Context) {}

// IsSynced returns true if any monitors exist AND all those monitors'
// controllers HasSynced functions return true. This means IsSynced could return
// true at one time, and then later return false if all monitors were
// reconstructed.
func (qm *QuotaMonitor) IsSynced(ctx context.Context) bool {}

// Run sets the stop channel and starts monitor execution until stopCh is
// closed. Any running monitors will be stopped before Run returns.
func (qm *QuotaMonitor) Run(ctx context.Context) {}

func (qm *QuotaMonitor) runProcessResourceChanges(ctx context.Context) {}

// Dequeueing an event from resourceChanges to process
func (qm *QuotaMonitor) processResourceChanges(ctx context.Context) bool {}