
var patchCodec

type overlappingStatefulSets

func (o overlappingStatefulSets) Len() int {}

func (o overlappingStatefulSets) Swap(i, j int) {}

func (o overlappingStatefulSets) Less(i, j int) bool {}

var statefulPodRegex

// getParentNameAndOrdinal gets the name of pod's parent StatefulSet and pod's ordinal as extracted from its Name. If
// the Pod was not created by a StatefulSet, its parent is considered to be empty string, and its ordinal is considered
// to be -1.
func getParentNameAndOrdinal(pod *v1.Pod) (string, int) {}

// getParentName gets the name of pod's parent StatefulSet. If pod has not parent, the empty string is returned.
func getParentName(pod *v1.Pod) string {}

// getOrdinal gets pod's ordinal. If pod has no ordinal, -1 is returned.
func getOrdinal(pod *v1.Pod) int {}

// getStartOrdinal gets the first possible ordinal (inclusive).
// Returns spec.ordinals.start if spec.ordinals is set, otherwise returns 0.
func getStartOrdinal(set *apps.StatefulSet) int {}

// getEndOrdinal gets the last possible ordinal (inclusive).
func getEndOrdinal(set *apps.StatefulSet) int {}

// podInOrdinalRange returns true if the pod ordinal is within the allowed
// range of ordinals that this StatefulSet is set to control.
func podInOrdinalRange(pod *v1.Pod, set *apps.StatefulSet) bool {}

// getPodName gets the name of set's child Pod with an ordinal index of ordinal
func getPodName(set *apps.StatefulSet, ordinal int) string {}

// getPersistentVolumeClaimName gets the name of PersistentVolumeClaim for a Pod with an ordinal index of ordinal. claim
// must be a PersistentVolumeClaim from set's VolumeClaims template.
func getPersistentVolumeClaimName(set *apps.StatefulSet, claim *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim, ordinal int) string {}

// isMemberOf tests if pod is a member of set.
func isMemberOf(set *apps.StatefulSet, pod *v1.Pod) bool {}

// identityMatches returns true if pod has a valid identity and network identity for a member of set.
func identityMatches(set *apps.StatefulSet, pod *v1.Pod) bool {}

// storageMatches returns true if pod's Volumes cover the set of PersistentVolumeClaims
func storageMatches(set *apps.StatefulSet, pod *v1.Pod) bool {}

// getPersistentVolumeClaimPolicy returns the PVC policy for a StatefulSet, returning a retain policy if the set policy is nil.
func getPersistentVolumeClaimRetentionPolicy(set *apps.StatefulSet) apps.StatefulSetPersistentVolumeClaimRetentionPolicy {}

// matchesRef returns true when the object matches the owner reference, that is the name and GVK are the same.
func matchesRef(ref *metav1.OwnerReference, obj metav1.Object, gvk schema.GroupVersionKind) bool {}

// hasUnexpectedController returns true if the set has a retention policy and there is a controller
// for the claim that's not the set or pod. Since the retention policy may have been changed, it is
// always valid for the set or pod to be a controller.
func hasUnexpectedController(claim *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim, set *apps.StatefulSet, pod *v1.Pod) bool {}

// hasNonControllerOwner returns true if the pod or set is an owner but not controller of the claim.
func hasNonControllerOwner(claim *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim, set *apps.StatefulSet, pod *v1.Pod) bool {}

// removeRefs removes any owner refs from the list matching predicate. Returns true if the list was changed and
// the new (or unchanged list).
func removeRefs(refs []metav1.OwnerReference, predicate func(ref *metav1.OwnerReference) bool) []metav1.OwnerReference {}

// isClaimOwnerUpToDate returns false if the ownerRefs of the claim are not set consistently with the
// PVC deletion policy for the StatefulSet.
// If there are stale references or unexpected controllers, this returns true in order to not touch
// PVCs that have gotten into this unknown state. Otherwise the ownerships are checked to match the
// PVC retention policy:
//	Retain on scaling and set deletion: no owner ref
//	Retain on scaling and delete on set deletion: owner ref on the set only
//	Delete on scaling and retain on set deletion: owner ref on the pod only
//	Delete on scaling and set deletion: owner refs on both set and pod.
func isClaimOwnerUpToDate(logger klog.Logger, claim *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim, set *apps.StatefulSet, pod *v1.Pod) bool {}

// updateClaimOwnerRefForSetAndPod updates the ownerRefs for the claim according to the deletion policy of
// the StatefulSet. Returns true if the claim was changed and should be updated and false otherwise.
// isClaimOwnerUpToDate should be called before this to avoid an expensive update operation.
func updateClaimOwnerRefForSetAndPod(logger klog.Logger, claim *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim, set *apps.StatefulSet, pod *v1.Pod) {}

// hasOwnerRef returns true if target has an ownerRef to owner (as its UID).
// This does not check if the owner is a controller.
func hasOwnerRef(target, owner metav1.Object) bool {}

// hasStaleOwnerRef returns true if target has a ref to owner that appears to be stale, that is,
// the ref matches the object but not the UID.
func hasStaleOwnerRef(target *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim, obj metav1.Object, gvk schema.GroupVersionKind) bool {}

// addControllerRef returns refs with owner added as a controller, if necessary.
func addControllerRef(refs []metav1.OwnerReference, owner metav1.Object, gvk schema.GroupVersionKind) []metav1.OwnerReference {}

// getPersistentVolumeClaims gets a map of PersistentVolumeClaims to their template names, as defined in set. The
// returned PersistentVolumeClaims are each constructed with a the name specific to the Pod. This name is determined
// by getPersistentVolumeClaimName.
func getPersistentVolumeClaims(set *apps.StatefulSet, pod *v1.Pod) map[string]v1.PersistentVolumeClaim {}

// updateStorage updates pod's Volumes to conform with the PersistentVolumeClaim of set's templates. If pod has
// conflicting local Volumes these are replaced with Volumes that conform to the set's templates.
func updateStorage(set *apps.StatefulSet, pod *v1.Pod) {}

func initIdentity(set *apps.StatefulSet, pod *v1.Pod) {}

// updateIdentity updates pod's name, hostname, and subdomain, and StatefulSetPodNameLabel to conform to set's name
// and headless service.
func updateIdentity(set *apps.StatefulSet, pod *v1.Pod) {}

// isRunningAndReady returns true if pod is in the PodRunning Phase, if it has a condition of PodReady.
func isRunningAndReady(pod *v1.Pod) bool {}

func isRunningAndAvailable(pod *v1.Pod, minReadySeconds int32) bool {}

// isCreated returns true if pod has been created and is maintained by the API server
func isCreated(pod *v1.Pod) bool {}

// isPending returns true if pod has a Phase of PodPending
func isPending(pod *v1.Pod) bool {}

// isFailed returns true if pod has a Phase of PodFailed
func isFailed(pod *v1.Pod) bool {}

// isSucceeded returns true if pod has a Phase of PodSucceeded
func isSucceeded(pod *v1.Pod) bool {}

// isTerminating returns true if pod's DeletionTimestamp has been set
func isTerminating(pod *v1.Pod) bool {}

// isHealthy returns true if pod is running and ready and has not been terminated
func isHealthy(pod *v1.Pod) bool {}

// allowsBurst is true if the alpha burst annotation is set.
func allowsBurst(set *apps.StatefulSet) bool {}

// setPodRevision sets the revision of Pod to revision by adding the StatefulSetRevisionLabel
func setPodRevision(pod *v1.Pod, revision string) {}

// getPodRevision gets the revision of Pod by inspecting the StatefulSetRevisionLabel. If pod has no revision the empty
// string is returned.
func getPodRevision(pod *v1.Pod) string {}

// newStatefulSetPod returns a new Pod conforming to the set's Spec with an identity generated from ordinal.
func newStatefulSetPod(set *apps.StatefulSet, ordinal int) *v1.Pod {}

// newVersionedStatefulSetPod creates a new Pod for a StatefulSet. currentSet is the representation of the set at the
// current revision. updateSet is the representation of the set at the updateRevision. currentRevision is the name of
// the current revision. updateRevision is the name of the update revision. ordinal is the ordinal of the Pod. If the
// returned error is nil, the returned Pod is valid.
func newVersionedStatefulSetPod(currentSet, updateSet *apps.StatefulSet, currentRevision, updateRevision string, ordinal int) *v1.Pod {}

// getPatch returns a strategic merge patch that can be applied to restore a StatefulSet to a
// previous version. If the returned error is nil the patch is valid. The current state that we save is just the
// PodSpecTemplate. We can modify this later to encompass more state (or less) and remain compatible with previously
// recorded patches.
func getPatch(set *apps.StatefulSet) ([]byte, error) {}

// newRevision creates a new ControllerRevision containing a patch that reapplies the target state of set.
// The Revision of the returned ControllerRevision is set to revision. If the returned error is nil, the returned
// ControllerRevision is valid. StatefulSet revisions are stored as patches that re-apply the current state of set
// to a new StatefulSet using a strategic merge patch to replace the saved state of the new StatefulSet.
func newRevision(set *apps.StatefulSet, revision int64, collisionCount *int32) (*apps.ControllerRevision, error) {}

// ApplyRevision returns a new StatefulSet constructed by restoring the state in revision to set. If the returned error
// is nil, the returned StatefulSet is valid.
func ApplyRevision(set *apps.StatefulSet, revision *apps.ControllerRevision) (*apps.StatefulSet, error) {}

// nextRevision finds the next valid revision number based on revisions. If the length of revisions
// is 0 this is 1. Otherwise, it is 1 greater than the largest revision's Revision. This method
// assumes that revisions has been sorted by Revision.
func nextRevision(revisions []*apps.ControllerRevision) int64 {}

// inconsistentStatus returns true if the ObservedGeneration of status is greater than set's
// Generation or if any of the status's fields do not match those of set's status.
func inconsistentStatus(set *apps.StatefulSet, status *apps.StatefulSetStatus) bool {}

// completeRollingUpdate completes a rolling update when all of set's replica Pods have been updated
// to the updateRevision. status's currentRevision is set to updateRevision and its' updateRevision
// is set to the empty string. status's currentReplicas is set to updateReplicas and its updateReplicas
// are set to 0.
func completeRollingUpdate(set *apps.StatefulSet, status *apps.StatefulSetStatus) {}

type ascendingOrdinal

func (ao ascendingOrdinal) Len() int {}

func (ao ascendingOrdinal) Swap(i, j int) {}

func (ao ascendingOrdinal) Less(i, j int) bool {}

type descendingOrdinal

func (do descendingOrdinal) Len() int {}

func (do descendingOrdinal) Swap(i, j int) {}

func (do descendingOrdinal) Less(i, j int) bool {}

// getStatefulSetMaxUnavailable calculates the real maxUnavailable number according to the replica count
// and maxUnavailable from rollingUpdateStrategy. The number defaults to 1 if the maxUnavailable field is
// not set, and it will be round down to at least 1 if the maxUnavailable value is a percentage.
// Note that API validation has already guaranteed the maxUnavailable field to be >1 if it is an integer
// or 0% < value <= 100% if it is a percentage, so we don't have to consider other cases.
func getStatefulSetMaxUnavailable(maxUnavailable *intstr.IntOrString, replicaCount int) (int, error) {}