
type EndpointsAdapter

// NewEndpointsAdapter returns a new EndpointsAdapter.
func NewEndpointsAdapter(endpointClient corev1client.EndpointsGetter, endpointSliceClient discoveryclient.EndpointSlicesGetter) EndpointsAdapter {}

// Get takes the name and namespace of the Endpoints resource, and returns a
// corresponding Endpoints object if it exists, and an error if there is any.
func (adapter *EndpointsAdapter) Get(namespace, name string, getOpts metav1.GetOptions) (*corev1.Endpoints, error) {}

// Create accepts a namespace and Endpoints object and creates the Endpoints
// object and matching EndpointSlice. The created Endpoints object or an error will be
// returned.
func (adapter *EndpointsAdapter) Create(namespace string, endpoints *corev1.Endpoints) (*corev1.Endpoints, error) {}

// Update accepts a namespace and Endpoints object and updates it and its
// matching EndpointSlice. The updated Endpoints object or an error will be returned.
func (adapter *EndpointsAdapter) Update(namespace string, endpoints *corev1.Endpoints) (*corev1.Endpoints, error) {}

// EnsureEndpointSliceFromEndpoints accepts a namespace and Endpoints resource
// and creates or updates a corresponding EndpointSlice. An error will be returned
// if it fails to sync the EndpointSlice.
func (adapter *EndpointsAdapter) EnsureEndpointSliceFromEndpoints(namespace string, endpoints *corev1.Endpoints) error {}

// endpointSliceFromEndpoints generates an EndpointSlice from an Endpoints
// resource.
func endpointSliceFromEndpoints(endpoints *corev1.Endpoints) *discovery.EndpointSlice {}

// getEndpointsFromAddresses returns a list of Endpoints from addresses that
// match the provided address type.
func getEndpointsFromAddresses(addresses []corev1.EndpointAddress, addressType discovery.AddressType, ready bool) []discovery.Endpoint {}

// endpointFromAddress generates an Endpoint from an EndpointAddress resource.
func endpointFromAddress(address corev1.EndpointAddress, ready bool) discovery.Endpoint {}

// allAddressesIPv6 returns true if all provided addresses are IPv6.
func allAddressesIPv6(addresses []corev1.EndpointAddress) bool {}

// setSkipMirrorTrue sets endpointslice.kubernetes.io/skip-mirror to true. It
// returns true if this has resulted in a change to the Endpoints resource.
func setSkipMirrorTrue(e *corev1.Endpoints) bool {}