
const maxReadLength

type DockerConfigJSON

type DockerConfig

type DockerConfigEntry

var preferredPathLock

var preferredPath

var workingDirPath

var (

var rootDirPath

var homeJSONDirPath

var rootJSONDirPath

var configFileName

var configJSONFileName

// SetPreferredDockercfgPath set preferred docker config path
func SetPreferredDockercfgPath(path string) {}

// GetPreferredDockercfgPath get preferred docker config path
func GetPreferredDockercfgPath() string {}

// DefaultDockercfgPaths returns default search paths of .dockercfg
func DefaultDockercfgPaths() []string {}

// DefaultDockerConfigJSONPaths returns default search paths of .docker/config.json
func DefaultDockerConfigJSONPaths() []string {}

// ReadDockercfgFile attempts to read a legacy dockercfg file from the given paths.
// if searchPaths is empty, the default paths are used.
func ReadDockercfgFile(searchPaths []string) (cfg DockerConfig, err error) {}

// ReadDockerConfigJSONFile attempts to read a docker config.json file from the given paths.
// if searchPaths is empty, the default paths are used.
func ReadDockerConfigJSONFile(searchPaths []string) (cfg DockerConfig, err error) {}

// ReadSpecificDockerConfigJSONFile attempts to read docker configJSON from a given file path.
func ReadSpecificDockerConfigJSONFile(filePath string) (cfg DockerConfig, err error) {}

// ReadDockerConfigFile read a docker config file from default path
func ReadDockerConfigFile() (cfg DockerConfig, err error) {}

type HTTPError

// Error implements error
func (he *HTTPError) Error() string {}

// ReadURL read contents from given url
func ReadURL(url string, client *http.Client, header *http.Header) (body []byte, err error) {}

// ReadDockerConfigFileFromBytes read a docker config file from the given bytes
func ReadDockerConfigFileFromBytes(contents []byte) (cfg DockerConfig, err error) {}

func readDockerConfigJSONFileFromBytes(contents []byte) (cfg DockerConfig, err error) {}

type dockerConfigEntryWithAuth

// UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaler interface.
func (ident *DockerConfigEntry) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {}

// MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaler interface.
func (ident DockerConfigEntry) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {}

// decodeDockerConfigFieldAuth deserializes the "auth" field from dockercfg into a
// username and a password. The format of the auth field is base64(<username>:<password>).
func decodeDockerConfigFieldAuth(field string) (username, password string, err error) {}

func encodeDockerConfigFieldAuth(username, password string) string {}