
type DockerKeyring

type BasicDockerKeyring

type providersDockerKeyring

type AuthConfig

// Add add some docker config in basic docker keyring
func (dk *BasicDockerKeyring) Add(cfg DockerConfig) {}

const defaultRegistryHost

const defaultRegistryKey

// isDefaultRegistryMatch determines whether the given image will
// pull from the default registry (DockerHub) based on the
// characteristics of its name.
func isDefaultRegistryMatch(image string) bool {}

// ParseSchemelessURL parses a schemeless url and returns a url.URL
// url.Parse require a scheme, but ours don't have schemes.  Adding a
// scheme to make url.Parse happy, then clear out the resulting scheme.
func ParseSchemelessURL(schemelessURL string) (*url.URL, error) {}

// SplitURL splits the host name into parts, as well as the port
func SplitURL(url *url.URL) (parts []string, port string) {}

// URLsMatchStr is wrapper for URLsMatch, operating on strings instead of URLs.
func URLsMatchStr(glob string, target string) (bool, error) {}

// URLsMatch checks whether the given target url matches the glob url, which may have
// glob wild cards in the host name.
// Examples:
//	globURL=*.docker.io, targetURL=blah.docker.io => match
//	globURL=*.docker.io, targetURL=not.right.io   => no match
// Note that we don't support wildcards in ports and paths yet.
func URLsMatch(globURL *url.URL, targetURL *url.URL) (bool, error) {}

// Lookup implements the DockerKeyring method for fetching credentials based on image name.
// Multiple credentials may be returned if there are multiple potentially valid credentials
// available.  This allows for rotation.
func (dk *BasicDockerKeyring) Lookup(image string) ([]AuthConfig, bool) {}

// Lookup implements the DockerKeyring method for fetching credentials
// based on image name.
func (dk *providersDockerKeyring) Lookup(image string) ([]AuthConfig, bool) {}

type FakeKeyring

// Lookup implements the DockerKeyring method for fetching credentials based on image name
// return fake auth and ok
func (f *FakeKeyring) Lookup(image string) ([]AuthConfig, bool) {}

type UnionDockerKeyring

// Lookup implements the DockerKeyring method for fetching credentials based on image name.
// return each credentials
func (k UnionDockerKeyring) Lookup(image string) ([]AuthConfig, bool) {}