
const globalCacheKey

const cachePurgeInterval

var scheme

var codecs

var apiVersions

func init() {}

// RegisterCredentialProviderPlugins is called from kubelet to register external credential provider
// plugins according to the CredentialProviderConfig config file.
func RegisterCredentialProviderPlugins(pluginConfigFile, pluginBinDir string) error {}

// newPluginProvider returns a new pluginProvider based on the credential provider config.
func newPluginProvider(pluginBinDir string, provider kubeletconfig.CredentialProvider) (*pluginProvider, error) {}

type pluginProvider

type cacheEntry

// cacheKeyFunc extracts AuthEntry.MatchKey as the cache key function for the plugin provider.
func cacheKeyFunc(obj interface{}

type cacheExpirationPolicy

// IsExpired returns true if the current time is after cacheEntry.expiresAt, which is determined by the
// cache duration returned from the credential provider plugin response.
func (c *cacheExpirationPolicy) IsExpired(entry *cache.TimestampedEntry) bool {}

// Provide returns a credentialprovider.DockerConfig based on the credentials returned
// from cache or the exec plugin.
func (p *pluginProvider) Provide(image string) credentialprovider.DockerConfig {}

// Enabled always returns true since registration of the plugin via kubelet implies it should be enabled.
func (p *pluginProvider) Enabled() bool {}

// isImageAllowed returns true if the image matches against the list of allowed matches by the plugin.
func (p *pluginProvider) isImageAllowed(image string) bool {}

// getCachedCredentials returns a credentialprovider.DockerConfig if cached from the plugin.
func (p *pluginProvider) getCachedCredentials(image string) (credentialprovider.DockerConfig, bool, error) {}

type Plugin

type execPlugin

// ExecPlugin executes the plugin binary with arguments and environment variables specified in CredentialProviderConfig:
//	$ ENV_NAME=ENV_VALUE <plugin-name> args[0] args[1] <<<request
// The plugin is expected to receive the CredentialProviderRequest API via stdin from the kubelet and
// return CredentialProviderResponse via stdout.
func (e *execPlugin) ExecPlugin(ctx context.Context, image string) (*credentialproviderapi.CredentialProviderResponse, error) {}

func (e *execPlugin) runPlugin(ctx context.Context, cmd *exec.Cmd, image string) error {}

// encodeRequest encodes the internal CredentialProviderRequest type into the v1alpha1 version in json
func (e *execPlugin) encodeRequest(request *credentialproviderapi.CredentialProviderRequest) ([]byte, error) {}

// decodeResponse decodes data into the internal CredentialProviderResponse type
func (e *execPlugin) decodeResponse(data []byte) (*credentialproviderapi.CredentialProviderResponse, error) {}

// parseRegistry extracts the registry hostname of an image (including port if specified).
func parseRegistry(image string) string {}

// mergedEnvVars overlays system defined env vars with credential provider env vars,
// it gives priority to the credential provider vars allowing user to override system
// env vars
func mergeEnvVars(sysEnvVars, credProviderVars []string) []string {}