
type fakeExecPlugin

func (f *fakeExecPlugin) ExecPlugin(ctx context.Context, image string) (*credentialproviderapi.CredentialProviderResponse, error) {}

func Test_Provide(t *testing.T) {}

// This test calls Provide in parallel for different registries and images
// The purpose of this is to detect any race conditions while cache rw.
func Test_ProvideParallel(t *testing.T) {}

func Test_getCachedCredentials(t *testing.T) {}

func Test_encodeRequest(t *testing.T) {}

func Test_decodeResponse(t *testing.T) {}

func Test_RegistryCacheKeyType(t *testing.T) {}

func Test_ImageCacheKeyType(t *testing.T) {}

func Test_GlobalCacheKeyType(t *testing.T) {}

func Test_NoCacheResponse(t *testing.T) {}

func Test_ExecPluginEnvVars(t *testing.T) {}

func validate(expected, actual []string) error {}