
// FormatMap formats map[string]string to a string.
func FormatMap(m map[string]string) (fmtStr string) {}

// ExtractFieldPathAsString extracts the field from the given object
// and returns it as a string.  The object must be a pointer to an
// API type.
func ExtractFieldPathAsString(obj interface{}

// SplitMaybeSubscriptedPath checks whether the specified fieldPath is
// subscripted, and
//   - if yes, this function splits the fieldPath into path and subscript, and
//     returns (path, subscript, true).
//   - if no, this function returns (fieldPath, "", false).
// Example inputs and outputs:
//	"metadata.annotations['myKey']" --> ("metadata.annotations", "myKey", true)
//	"metadata.annotations['a[b]c']" --> ("metadata.annotations", "a[b]c", true)
//	"metadata.labels['']"           --> ("metadata.labels", "", true)
//	"metadata.labels"               --> ("metadata.labels", "", false)
func SplitMaybeSubscriptedPath(fieldPath string) (string, string, bool) {}