
// UpdateTransport instruments a restconfig with a transport that dynamically uses
// certificates provided by the manager for TLS client auth.
// The config must not already provide an explicit transport.
// The returned function allows forcefully closing all active connections.
// The returned transport periodically checks the manager to determine if the
// certificate has changed. If it has, the transport shuts down all existing client
// connections, forcing the client to re-handshake with the server and use the
// new certificate.
// The exitAfter duration, if set, will terminate the current process if a certificate
// is not available from the store (because it has been deleted on disk or is corrupt)
// or if the certificate has expired and the server is responsive. This allows the
// process parent or the bootstrap credentials an opportunity to retrieve a new initial
// certificate.
// stopCh should be used to indicate when the transport is unused and doesn't need
// to continue checking the manager.
func UpdateTransport(stopCh <-chan struct{}

// updateTransport is an internal method that exposes how often this method checks that the
// client cert has changed.
func updateTransport(stopCh <-chan struct{}

func addCertRotation(stopCh <-chan struct{}