
const systemdSuffix

const Cgroup2MemoryMin

const Cgroup2MemoryHigh

const Cgroup2MaxCpuLimit

const Cgroup2MaxSwapFilename

var RootCgroupName

// NewCgroupName composes a new cgroup name.
// Use RootCgroupName as base to start at the root.
// This function does some basic check for invalid characters at the name.
func NewCgroupName(base CgroupName, components ...string) CgroupName {}

func escapeSystemdCgroupName(part string) string {}

func unescapeSystemdCgroupName(part string) string {}

// cgroupName.ToSystemd converts the internal cgroup name to a systemd name.
// For example, the name {"kubepods", "burstable", "pod1234-abcd-5678-efgh"} becomes
// "/kubepods.slice/kubepods-burstable.slice/kubepods-burstable-pod1234_abcd_5678_efgh.slice"
// This function always expands the systemd name into the cgroupfs form. If only
// the last part is needed, use path.Base(...) on it to discard the rest.
func (cgroupName CgroupName) ToSystemd() string {}

func ParseSystemdToCgroupName(name string) CgroupName {}

func (cgroupName CgroupName) ToCgroupfs() string {}

func ParseCgroupfsToCgroupName(name string) CgroupName {}

func IsSystemdStyleName(name string) bool {}

type CgroupSubsystems

type cgroupCommon

var _

var _

// NewCgroupManager is a factory method that returns a CgroupManager
func NewCgroupManager(cs *CgroupSubsystems, cgroupDriver string) CgroupManager {}

func newCgroupCommon(cs *CgroupSubsystems, cgroupDriver string) cgroupCommon {}

// Name converts the cgroup to the driver specific value in cgroupfs form.
// This always returns a valid cgroupfs path even when systemd driver is in use!
func (m *cgroupCommon) Name(name CgroupName) string {}

// CgroupName converts the literal cgroupfs name on the host to an internal identifier.
func (m *cgroupCommon) CgroupName(name string) CgroupName {}

// buildCgroupPaths builds a path to each cgroup subsystem for the specified name.
func (m *cgroupCommon) buildCgroupPaths(name CgroupName) map[string]string {}

// libctCgroupConfig converts CgroupConfig to libcontainer's Cgroup config.
func (m *cgroupCommon) libctCgroupConfig(in *CgroupConfig, needResources bool) *libcontainerconfigs.Cgroup {}

// Destroy destroys the specified cgroup
func (m *cgroupCommon) Destroy(cgroupConfig *CgroupConfig) error {}

func (m *cgroupCommon) SetCgroupConfig(name CgroupName, resourceConfig *ResourceConfig) error {}

// getCPUWeight converts from the range [2, 262144] to [1, 10000]
func getCPUWeight(cpuShares *uint64) uint64 {}

var availableRootControllersOnce

var availableRootControllers

func (m *cgroupCommon) toResources(resourceConfig *ResourceConfig) *libcontainerconfigs.Resources {}

func (m *cgroupCommon) maybeSetHugetlb(resourceConfig *ResourceConfig, resources *libcontainerconfigs.Resources) {}

// Update updates the cgroup with the specified Cgroup Configuration
func (m *cgroupCommon) Update(cgroupConfig *CgroupConfig) error {}

// Create creates the specified cgroup
func (m *cgroupCommon) Create(cgroupConfig *CgroupConfig) error {}

// Scans through all subsystems to find pids associated with specified cgroup.
func (m *cgroupCommon) Pids(name CgroupName) []int {}

// ReduceCPULimits reduces the cgroup's cpu shares to the lowest possible value
func (m *cgroupCommon) ReduceCPULimits(cgroupName CgroupName) error {}

func readCgroupMemoryConfig(cgroupPath string, memLimitFile string) (*ResourceConfig, error) {}