
const cgroupv1MemLimitFile

type cgroupV1impl

func NewCgroupV1Manager(cs *CgroupSubsystems, cgroupDriver string) CgroupManager {}

// Version of the cgroup implementation on the host
func (c *cgroupV1impl) Version() int {}

// Validate checks if all subsystem cgroups are valid
func (c *cgroupV1impl) Validate(name CgroupName) error {}

// Exists checks if all subsystem cgroups already exist
func (c *cgroupV1impl) Exists(name CgroupName) bool {}

// MemoryUsage returns the current memory usage of the specified cgroup,
// as read from cgroupfs.
func (c *cgroupV1impl) MemoryUsage(name CgroupName) (int64, error) {}

// Get the resource config values applied to the cgroup for specified resource type
func (c *cgroupV1impl) GetCgroupConfig(name CgroupName, resource v1.ResourceName) (*ResourceConfig, error) {}

func (c *cgroupV1impl) getCgroupCPUConfig(cgroupPath string) (*ResourceConfig, error) {}

func (c *cgroupV1impl) getCgroupMemoryConfig(cgroupPath string) (*ResourceConfig, error) {}