
const PolicyStatic

const ErrorSMTAlignment

type SMTAlignmentError

func (e SMTAlignmentError) Error() string {}

// Type returns human-readable type of this error. Used in the admission control to populate Admission Failure reason.
func (e SMTAlignmentError) Type() string {}

type staticPolicy

var _

// NewStaticPolicy returns a CPU manager policy that does not change CPU
// assignments for exclusively pinned guaranteed containers after the main
// container process starts.
func NewStaticPolicy(topology *topology.CPUTopology, numReservedCPUs int, reservedCPUs cpuset.CPUSet, affinity topologymanager.Store, cpuPolicyOptions map[string]string) (Policy, error) {}

func (p *staticPolicy) Name() string {}

func (p *staticPolicy) Start(s state.State) error {}

func (p *staticPolicy) validateState(s state.State) error {}

// GetAllocatableCPUs returns the total set of CPUs available for allocation.
func (p *staticPolicy) GetAllocatableCPUs(s state.State) cpuset.CPUSet {}

// GetAvailableCPUs returns the set of unassigned CPUs minus the reserved set.
func (p *staticPolicy) GetAvailableCPUs(s state.State) cpuset.CPUSet {}

func (p *staticPolicy) GetAvailablePhysicalCPUs(s state.State) cpuset.CPUSet {}

func (p *staticPolicy) updateCPUsToReuse(pod *v1.Pod, container *v1.Container, cset cpuset.CPUSet) {}

func (p *staticPolicy) Allocate(s state.State, pod *v1.Pod, container *v1.Container) (rerr error) {}

// getAssignedCPUsOfSiblings returns assigned cpus of given container's siblings(all containers other than the given container) in the given pod `podUID`.
func getAssignedCPUsOfSiblings(s state.State, podUID string, containerName string) cpuset.CPUSet {}

func (p *staticPolicy) RemoveContainer(s state.State, podUID string, containerName string) error {}

func (p *staticPolicy) allocateCPUs(s state.State, numCPUs int, numaAffinity bitmask.BitMask, reusableCPUs cpuset.CPUSet) (cpuset.CPUSet, error) {}

func (p *staticPolicy) guaranteedCPUs(pod *v1.Pod, container *v1.Container) int {}

func (p *staticPolicy) podGuaranteedCPUs(pod *v1.Pod) int {}

func (p *staticPolicy) takeByTopology(availableCPUs cpuset.CPUSet, numCPUs int) (cpuset.CPUSet, error) {}

func (p *staticPolicy) GetTopologyHints(s state.State, pod *v1.Pod, container *v1.Container) map[string][]topologymanager.TopologyHint {}

func (p *staticPolicy) GetPodTopologyHints(s state.State, pod *v1.Pod) map[string][]topologymanager.TopologyHint {}

// generateCPUTopologyHints generates a set of TopologyHints given the set of
// available CPUs and the number of CPUs being requested.
// It follows the convention of marking all hints that have the same number of
// bits set as the narrowest matching NUMANodeAffinity with 'Preferred: true', and
// marking all others with 'Preferred: false'.
func (p *staticPolicy) generateCPUTopologyHints(availableCPUs cpuset.CPUSet, reusableCPUs cpuset.CPUSet, request int) []topologymanager.TopologyHint {}

// isHintSocketAligned function return true if numa nodes in hint are socket aligned.
func (p *staticPolicy) isHintSocketAligned(hint topologymanager.TopologyHint, minAffinitySize int) bool {}

// getAlignedCPUs return set of aligned CPUs based on numa affinity mask and configured policy options.
func (p *staticPolicy) getAlignedCPUs(numaAffinity bitmask.BitMask, allocatableCPUs cpuset.CPUSet) cpuset.CPUSet {}

func (p *staticPolicy) initializeMetrics(s state.State) {}

func (p *staticPolicy) updateMetricsOnAllocate(cset cpuset.CPUSet) {}

func (p *staticPolicy) updateMetricsOnRelease(cset cpuset.CPUSet) {}

func countExclusiveCPUs(s state.State) int {}