
var _

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var _

type CPUManagerCheckpoint

type CPUManagerCheckpointV1

type CPUManagerCheckpointV2

// NewCPUManagerCheckpoint returns an instance of Checkpoint
func NewCPUManagerCheckpoint() *CPUManagerCheckpoint {}

func newCPUManagerCheckpointV1() *CPUManagerCheckpointV1 {}

func newCPUManagerCheckpointV2() *CPUManagerCheckpointV2 {}

// MarshalCheckpoint returns marshalled checkpoint in v1 format
func (cp *CPUManagerCheckpointV1) MarshalCheckpoint() ([]byte, error) {}

// MarshalCheckpoint returns marshalled checkpoint in v2 format
func (cp *CPUManagerCheckpointV2) MarshalCheckpoint() ([]byte, error) {}

// UnmarshalCheckpoint tries to unmarshal passed bytes to checkpoint in v1 format
func (cp *CPUManagerCheckpointV1) UnmarshalCheckpoint(blob []byte) error {}

// UnmarshalCheckpoint tries to unmarshal passed bytes to checkpoint in v2 format
func (cp *CPUManagerCheckpointV2) UnmarshalCheckpoint(blob []byte) error {}

// VerifyChecksum verifies that current checksum of checkpoint is valid in v1 format
func (cp *CPUManagerCheckpointV1) VerifyChecksum() error {}

// VerifyChecksum verifies that current checksum of checkpoint is valid in v2 format
func (cp *CPUManagerCheckpointV2) VerifyChecksum() error {}