
type DevicePlugin

type Client

type client

// NewPluginClient returns an initialized device plugin client.
func NewPluginClient(r string, socketPath string, h ClientHandler) Client {}

// Connect is for establishing a gRPC connection between device manager and device plugin.
func (c *client) Connect() error {}

// Run is for running the device plugin gRPC client.
func (c *client) Run() {}

// Disconnect is for closing gRPC connection between device manager and device plugin.
func (c *client) Disconnect() error {}

func (c *client) Resource() string {}

func (c *client) API() api.DevicePluginClient {}

func (c *client) SocketPath() string {}

// dial establishes the gRPC communication with the registered device plugin. https://godoc.org/google.golang.org/grpc#Dial
func dial(unixSocketPath string) (api.DevicePluginClient, *grpc.ClientConn, error) {}