
type Stub

type stubGetPreferredAllocFunc

func defaultGetPreferredAllocFunc(r *pluginapi.PreferredAllocationRequest, devs map[string]pluginapi.Device) (*pluginapi.PreferredAllocationResponse, error) {}

type stubAllocFunc

func defaultAllocFunc(r *pluginapi.AllocateRequest, devs map[string]pluginapi.Device) (*pluginapi.AllocateResponse, error) {}

type stubRegisterControlFunc

func defaultRegisterControlFunc() bool {}

// NewDevicePluginStub returns an initialized DevicePlugin Stub.
func NewDevicePluginStub(devs []*pluginapi.Device, socket string, name string, preStartContainerFlag bool, getPreferredAllocationFlag bool) *Stub {}

// SetGetPreferredAllocFunc sets allocFunc of the device plugin
func (m *Stub) SetGetPreferredAllocFunc(f stubGetPreferredAllocFunc) {}

// SetAllocFunc sets allocFunc of the device plugin
func (m *Stub) SetAllocFunc(f stubAllocFunc) {}

// SetRegisterControlFunc sets RegisterControlFunc of the device plugin
func (m *Stub) SetRegisterControlFunc(f stubRegisterControlFunc) {}

// Start starts the gRPC server of the device plugin. Can only
// be called once.
func (m *Stub) Start() error {}

func (m *Stub) Restart() error {}

// Stop stops the gRPC server. Can be called without a prior Start
// and more than once. Not safe to be called concurrently by different
// goroutines!
func (m *Stub) Stop() error {}

func (m *Stub) Watch(kubeletEndpoint, resourceName, pluginSockDir string) {}

// GetInfo is the RPC which return pluginInfo
func (m *Stub) GetInfo(ctx context.Context, req *watcherapi.InfoRequest) (*watcherapi.PluginInfo, error) {}

// NotifyRegistrationStatus receives the registration notification from watcher
func (m *Stub) NotifyRegistrationStatus(ctx context.Context, status *watcherapi.RegistrationStatus) (*watcherapi.RegistrationStatusResponse, error) {}

// Register registers the device plugin for the given resourceName with Kubelet.
func (m *Stub) Register(kubeletEndpoint, resourceName string, pluginSockDir string) error {}

// GetDevicePluginOptions returns DevicePluginOptions settings for the device plugin.
func (m *Stub) GetDevicePluginOptions(ctx context.Context, e *pluginapi.Empty) (*pluginapi.DevicePluginOptions, error) {}

// PreStartContainer resets the devices received
func (m *Stub) PreStartContainer(ctx context.Context, r *pluginapi.PreStartContainerRequest) (*pluginapi.PreStartContainerResponse, error) {}

// ListAndWatch lists devices and update that list according to the Update call
func (m *Stub) ListAndWatch(e *pluginapi.Empty, s pluginapi.DevicePlugin_ListAndWatchServer) error {}

// Update allows the device plugin to send new devices through ListAndWatch
func (m *Stub) Update(devs []*pluginapi.Device) {}

// GetPreferredAllocation gets the preferred allocation from a set of available devices
func (m *Stub) GetPreferredAllocation(ctx context.Context, r *pluginapi.PreferredAllocationRequest) (*pluginapi.PreferredAllocationResponse, error) {}

// Allocate does a mock allocation
func (m *Stub) Allocate(ctx context.Context, r *pluginapi.AllocateRequest) (*pluginapi.AllocateResponse, error) {}

func (m *Stub) cleanup() error {}