
const periodicQOSCgroupUpdateInterval

type QOSContainerManager

type qosContainerManagerImpl

func NewQOSContainerManager(subsystems *CgroupSubsystems, cgroupRoot CgroupName, nodeConfig NodeConfig, cgroupManager CgroupManager) (QOSContainerManager, error) {}

func (m *qosContainerManagerImpl) GetQOSContainersInfo() QOSContainersInfo {}

func (m *qosContainerManagerImpl) Start(getNodeAllocatable func() v1.ResourceList, activePods ActivePodsFunc) error {}

// setHugePagesUnbounded ensures hugetlb is effectively unbounded
func (m *qosContainerManagerImpl) setHugePagesUnbounded(cgroupConfig *CgroupConfig) error {}

func (m *qosContainerManagerImpl) setHugePagesConfig(configs map[v1.PodQOSClass]*CgroupConfig) error {}

func (m *qosContainerManagerImpl) setCPUCgroupConfig(configs map[v1.PodQOSClass]*CgroupConfig) error {}

// getQoSMemoryRequests sums and returns the memory request of all pods for
// guaranteed and burstable qos classes.
func (m *qosContainerManagerImpl) getQoSMemoryRequests() map[v1.PodQOSClass]int64 {}

// setMemoryReserve sums the memory limits of all pods in a QOS class,
// calculates QOS class memory limits, and set those limits in the
// CgroupConfig for each QOS class.
func (m *qosContainerManagerImpl) setMemoryReserve(configs map[v1.PodQOSClass]*CgroupConfig, percentReserve int64) {}

// retrySetMemoryReserve checks for any QoS cgroups over the limit
// that was attempted to be set in the first Update() and adjusts
// their memory limit to the usage to prevent further growth.
func (m *qosContainerManagerImpl) retrySetMemoryReserve(configs map[v1.PodQOSClass]*CgroupConfig, percentReserve int64) {}

// setMemoryQoS sums the memory requests of all pods in the Burstable class,
// and set the sum memory as the memory.min in the Unified field of CgroupConfig.
func (m *qosContainerManagerImpl) setMemoryQoS(configs map[v1.PodQOSClass]*CgroupConfig) {}

func (m *qosContainerManagerImpl) UpdateCgroups() error {}

type qosContainerManagerNoop

var _

func (m *qosContainerManagerNoop) GetQOSContainersInfo() QOSContainersInfo {}

func (m *qosContainerManagerNoop) Start(_ func() v1.ResourceList, _ ActivePodsFunc) error {}

func (m *qosContainerManagerNoop) UpdateCgroups() error {}