
type BitMask

type bitMask

// NewEmptyBitMask creates a new, empty BitMask
func NewEmptyBitMask() BitMask {}

// NewBitMask creates a new BitMask
func NewBitMask(bits ...int) (BitMask, error) {}

// Add adds the bits with topology affinity to the BitMask
func (s *bitMask) Add(bits ...int) error {}

// Remove removes specified bits from BitMask
func (s *bitMask) Remove(bits ...int) error {}

// And performs and operation on all bits in masks
func (s *bitMask) And(masks ...BitMask) {}

// Or performs or operation on all bits in masks
func (s *bitMask) Or(masks ...BitMask) {}

// Clear resets all bits in mask to zero
func (s *bitMask) Clear() {}

// Fill sets all bits in mask to one
func (s *bitMask) Fill() {}

// IsEmpty checks mask to see if all bits are zero
func (s *bitMask) IsEmpty() bool {}

// IsSet checks bit in mask to see if bit is set to one
func (s *bitMask) IsSet(bit int) bool {}

// AnySet checks bit in mask to see if any provided bit is set to one
func (s *bitMask) AnySet(bits []int) bool {}

// IsEqual checks if masks are equal
func (s *bitMask) IsEqual(mask BitMask) bool {}

// IsNarrowerThan checks if one mask is narrower than another.
// A mask is said to be "narrower" than another if it has lets bits set. If the
// same number of bits are set in both masks, then the mask with more
// lower-numbered bits set wins out.
func (s *bitMask) IsNarrowerThan(mask BitMask) bool {}

// IsLessThan checks which bitmask has more lower-numbered bits set.
func (s *bitMask) IsLessThan(mask BitMask) bool {}

// IsGreaterThan checks which bitmask has more higher-numbered bits set.
func (s *bitMask) IsGreaterThan(mask BitMask) bool {}

// String converts mask to string
func (s *bitMask) String() string {}

// Count counts number of bits in mask set to one
func (s *bitMask) Count() int {}

// Getbits returns each bit number with bits set to one
func (s *bitMask) GetBits() []int {}

// And is a package level implementation of 'and' between first and masks
func And(first BitMask, masks ...BitMask) BitMask {}

// Or is a package level implementation of 'or' between first and masks
func Or(first BitMask, masks ...BitMask) BitMask {}

// IterateBitMasks iterates all possible masks from a list of bits,
// issuing a callback on each mask.
func IterateBitMasks(bits []int, callback func(BitMask)) {}