
type Policy

// IsAlignmentGuaranteed return true if the given policy guarantees that either
// the compute resources will be allocated within a NUMA boundary, or the allocation will fail at all.
func IsAlignmentGuaranteed(p Policy) bool {}

// Merge a TopologyHints permutation to a single hint by performing a bitwise-AND
// of their affinity masks. The hint shall be preferred if all hits in the permutation
// are preferred.
func mergePermutation(defaultAffinity bitmask.BitMask, permutation []TopologyHint) TopologyHint {}

func filterProvidersHints(providersHints []map[string][]TopologyHint) [][]TopologyHint {}

func narrowestHint(hints []TopologyHint) *TopologyHint {}

func maxOfMinAffinityCounts(filteredHints [][]TopologyHint) int {}

type HintMerger

func NewHintMerger(numaInfo *NUMAInfo, hints [][]TopologyHint, policyName string, opts PolicyOptions) HintMerger {}

func (m HintMerger) compare(current *TopologyHint, candidate *TopologyHint) *TopologyHint {}

func (m HintMerger) Merge() TopologyHint {}

// Iterate over all permutations of hints in 'allProviderHints [][]TopologyHint'.
// This procedure is implemented as a recursive function over the set of hints
// in 'allproviderHints[i]'. It applies the function 'callback' to each
// permutation as it is found. It is the equivalent of:
// for i := 0; i < len(providerHints[0]); i++
//	for j := 0; j < len(providerHints[1]); j++
//	    for k := 0; k < len(providerHints[2]); k++
//	        ...
//	        for z := 0; z < len(providerHints[-1]); z++
//	            permutation := []TopologyHint{
//	                providerHints[0][i],
//	                providerHints[1][j],
//	                providerHints[2][k],
//	                ...
//	                providerHints[-1][z]
//	            }
//	            callback(permutation)
func iterateAllProviderTopologyHints(allProviderHints [][]TopologyHint, callback func([]TopologyHint)) {}