
const containerTopologyScope

const podTopologyScope

const noneTopologyScope

type podTopologyHints

type Scope

type scope

func (s *scope) Name() string {}

func (s *scope) getTopologyHints(podUID string, containerName string) TopologyHint {}

func (s *scope) setTopologyHints(podUID string, containerName string, th TopologyHint) {}

func (s *scope) GetAffinity(podUID string, containerName string) TopologyHint {}

func (s *scope) GetPolicy() Policy {}

func (s *scope) AddHintProvider(h HintProvider) {}

// It would be better to implement this function in topologymanager instead of scope
// but topologymanager do not track mapping anymore
func (s *scope) AddContainer(pod *v1.Pod, container *v1.Container, containerID string) {}

// It would be better to implement this function in topologymanager instead of scope
// but topologymanager do not track mapping anymore
func (s *scope) RemoveContainer(containerID string) error {}

func (s *scope) admitPolicyNone(pod *v1.Pod) lifecycle.PodAdmitResult {}

// It would be better to implement this function in topologymanager instead of scope
// but topologymanager do not track providers anymore
func (s *scope) allocateAlignedResources(pod *v1.Pod, container *v1.Container) error {}