
type Version

type ImageSpec

type ImageStats

type Runtime

type StreamingRuntime

type ImageService

type Attacher

type CommandRunner

type Pod

type PodPair

type ContainerID

// BuildContainerID returns the ContainerID given type and id.
func BuildContainerID(typ, ID string) ContainerID {}

// ParseContainerID is a convenience method for creating a ContainerID from an ID string.
func ParseContainerID(containerID string) ContainerID {}

// ParseString converts given string into ContainerID
func (c *ContainerID) ParseString(data string) error {}

func (c *ContainerID) String() string {}

// IsEmpty returns whether given ContainerID is empty.
func (c *ContainerID) IsEmpty() bool {}

// MarshalJSON formats a given ContainerID into a byte array.
func (c *ContainerID) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {}

// UnmarshalJSON parses ContainerID from a given array of bytes.
func (c *ContainerID) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {}

type State

const ContainerStateCreated

const ContainerStateRunning

const ContainerStateExited

const ContainerStateUnknown

const ContainerReasonStatusUnknown

type Container

type PodStatus

type ContainerResources

type Status

type ContainerUser

type LinuxContainerUser

// FindContainerStatusByName returns container status in the pod status with the given name.
// When there are multiple containers' statuses with the same name, the first match will be returned.
func (podStatus *PodStatus) FindContainerStatusByName(containerName string) *Status {}

// GetRunningContainerStatuses returns container status of all the running containers in a pod
func (podStatus *PodStatus) GetRunningContainerStatuses() []*Status {}

type Image

type EnvVar

type Annotation

type Mount

type ImageVolumes

type PortMapping

type DeviceInfo

type CDIDevice

type RunContainerOptions

type VolumeInfo

type VolumeMap

type RuntimeConditionType

const RuntimeReady

const NetworkReady

type RuntimeStatus

// GetRuntimeCondition gets a specified runtime condition from the runtime status.
func (r *RuntimeStatus) GetRuntimeCondition(t RuntimeConditionType) *RuntimeCondition {}

// String formats the runtime status into human readable string.
func (r *RuntimeStatus) String() string {}

type RuntimeHandler

// String formats the runtime handler into human readable string.
func (h *RuntimeHandler) String() string {}

type RuntimeCondition

// String formats the runtime condition into human readable string.
func (c *RuntimeCondition) String() string {}

type RuntimeFeatures

// String formats the runtime condition into a human readable string.
func (f *RuntimeFeatures) String() string {}

type Pods

// FindPodByID finds and returns a pod in the pod list by UID. It will return an empty pod
// if not found.
func (p Pods) FindPodByID(podUID types.UID) Pod {}

// FindPodByFullName finds and returns a pod in the pod list by the full name.
// It will return an empty pod if not found.
func (p Pods) FindPodByFullName(podFullName string) Pod {}

// FindPod combines FindPodByID and FindPodByFullName, it finds and returns a pod in the
// pod list either by the full name or the pod ID. It will return an empty pod
// if not found.
func (p Pods) FindPod(podFullName string, podUID types.UID) Pod {}

// FindContainerByName returns a container in the pod with the given name.
// When there are multiple containers with the same name, the first match will
// be returned.
func (p *Pod) FindContainerByName(containerName string) *Container {}

// FindContainerByID returns a container in the pod with the given ContainerID.
func (p *Pod) FindContainerByID(id ContainerID) *Container {}

// FindSandboxByID returns a sandbox in the pod with the given ContainerID.
func (p *Pod) FindSandboxByID(id ContainerID) *Container {}

// ToAPIPod converts Pod to v1.Pod. Note that if a field in v1.Pod has no
// corresponding field in Pod, the field would not be populated.
func (p *Pod) ToAPIPod() *v1.Pod {}

// IsEmpty returns true if the pod is empty.
func (p *Pod) IsEmpty() bool {}

// GetPodFullName returns a name that uniquely identifies a pod.
func GetPodFullName(pod *v1.Pod) string {}

// BuildPodFullName builds the pod full name from pod name and namespace.
func BuildPodFullName(name, namespace string) string {}

// ParsePodFullName parsed the pod full name.
func ParsePodFullName(podFullName string) (string, string, error) {}

type Option

type SortContainerStatusesByCreationTime

func (s SortContainerStatusesByCreationTime) Len() int      {}

func (s SortContainerStatusesByCreationTime) Swap(i, j int) {}

func (s SortContainerStatusesByCreationTime) Less(i, j int) bool {}

const MaxPodTerminationMessageLogLength

const MaxContainerTerminationMessageLength

const MaxContainerTerminationMessageLogLength

const MaxContainerTerminationMessageLogLines