
var ErrCrashLoopBackOff

var ErrContainerNotFound

var ErrRunContainer

var ErrKillContainer

var ErrCreatePodSandbox

var ErrConfigPodSandbox

var ErrKillPodSandbox

type SyncAction

const StartContainer

const KillContainer

const SetupNetwork

const TeardownNetwork

const InitContainer

const CreatePodSandbox

const ConfigPodSandbox

const KillPodSandbox

type SyncResult

// NewSyncResult generates new SyncResult with specific Action and Target
func NewSyncResult(action SyncAction, target interface{}

// Fail fails the SyncResult with specific error and message
func (r *SyncResult) Fail(err error, msg string) {}

type PodSyncResult

// AddSyncResult adds multiple SyncResult to current PodSyncResult
func (p *PodSyncResult) AddSyncResult(result ...*SyncResult) {}

// AddPodSyncResult merges a PodSyncResult to current one
func (p *PodSyncResult) AddPodSyncResult(result PodSyncResult) {}

// Fail fails the PodSyncResult with an error occurred in SyncPod() and KillPod() itself
func (p *PodSyncResult) Fail(err error) {}

// Error returns an error summarizing all the errors in PodSyncResult
func (p *PodSyncResult) Error() error {}