
const unsupportedEvictionSignal

const Reason

const nodeLowMessageFmt

const nodeConditionMessageFmt

const containerMessageFmt

const containerEphemeralStorageMessageFmt

const podEphemeralStorageMessageFmt

const emptyDirMessageFmt

const resourceInodes

const resourcePids

const OffendingContainersKey

const OffendingContainersUsageKey

const StarvedResourceKey

const thresholdMetMessageFmt

var signalToNodeCondition

var signalToResource

func init() {}

// validSignal returns true if the signal is supported.
func validSignal(signal evictionapi.Signal) bool {}

// getReclaimableThreshold finds the threshold and resource to reclaim
func getReclaimableThreshold(thresholds []evictionapi.Threshold) (evictionapi.Threshold, v1.ResourceName, bool) {}

// ParseThresholdConfig parses the flags for thresholds.
func ParseThresholdConfig(allocatableConfig []string, evictionHard, evictionSoft, evictionSoftGracePeriod, evictionMinimumReclaim map[string]string) ([]evictionapi.Threshold, error) {}

func addAllocatableThresholds(thresholds []evictionapi.Threshold) []evictionapi.Threshold {}

// UpdateContainerFsThresholds will add containerfs eviction hard/soft
// settings based on container runtime settings.
// Thresholds are parsed from evictionHard and evictionSoft limits so we will override.
// If there is a single filesystem, then containerfs settings are same as nodefs.
// If there is a separate image filesystem for both containers and images then containerfs settings are same as imagefs.
func UpdateContainerFsThresholds(thresholds []evictionapi.Threshold, imageFs, separateContainerImageFs bool) ([]evictionapi.Threshold, error) {}

// parseThresholdStatements parses the input statements into a list of Threshold objects.
func parseThresholdStatements(statements map[string]string) ([]evictionapi.Threshold, error) {}

// parseThresholdStatement parses a threshold statement and returns a threshold,
// or nil if the threshold should be ignored.
func parseThresholdStatement(signal evictionapi.Signal, val string) (*evictionapi.Threshold, error) {}

// parsePercentage parses a string representing a percentage value
func parsePercentage(input string) (float32, error) {}

// parseGracePeriods parses the grace period statements
func parseGracePeriods(statements map[string]string) (map[evictionapi.Signal]time.Duration, error) {}

// parseMinimumReclaims parses the minimum reclaim statements
func parseMinimumReclaims(statements map[string]string) (map[evictionapi.Signal]evictionapi.ThresholdValue, error) {}

// diskUsage converts used bytes into a resource quantity.
func diskUsage(fsStats *statsapi.FsStats) *resource.Quantity {}

// inodeUsage converts inodes consumed into a resource quantity.
func inodeUsage(fsStats *statsapi.FsStats) *resource.Quantity {}

// memoryUsage converts working set into a resource quantity.
func memoryUsage(memStats *statsapi.MemoryStats) *resource.Quantity {}

// processUsage converts working set into a process count.
func processUsage(processStats *statsapi.ProcessStats) uint64 {}

// localVolumeNames returns the set of volumes for the pod that are local
// TODO: summary API should report what volumes consume local storage rather than hard-code here.
func localVolumeNames(pod *v1.Pod) []string {}

// containerUsage aggregates container disk usage and inode consumption for the specified stats to measure.
func containerUsage(podStats statsapi.PodStats, statsToMeasure []fsStatsType) v1.ResourceList {}

// podLocalVolumeUsage aggregates pod local volumes disk usage and inode consumption for the specified stats to measure.
func podLocalVolumeUsage(volumeNames []string, podStats statsapi.PodStats) v1.ResourceList {}

// podDiskUsage aggregates pod disk usage and inode consumption for the specified stats to measure.
func podDiskUsage(podStats statsapi.PodStats, pod *v1.Pod, statsToMeasure []fsStatsType) (v1.ResourceList, error) {}

// formatThreshold formats a threshold for logging.
func formatThreshold(threshold evictionapi.Threshold) string {}

// cachedStatsFunc returns a statsFunc based on the provided pod stats.
func cachedStatsFunc(podStats []statsapi.PodStats) statsFunc {}

type cmpFunc

type multiSorter

// Sort sorts the argument slice according to the less functions passed to OrderedBy.
func (ms *multiSorter) Sort(pods []*v1.Pod) {}

// OrderedBy returns a Sorter that sorts using the cmp functions, in order.
// Call its Sort method to sort the data.
func orderedBy(cmp ...cmpFunc) *multiSorter {}

// Len is part of sort.Interface.
func (ms *multiSorter) Len() int {}

// Swap is part of sort.Interface.
func (ms *multiSorter) Swap(i, j int) {}

// Less is part of sort.Interface.
func (ms *multiSorter) Less(i, j int) bool {}

// priority compares pods by Priority, if priority is enabled.
func priority(p1, p2 *v1.Pod) int {}

// exceedMemoryRequests compares whether or not pods' memory usage exceeds their requests
func exceedMemoryRequests(stats statsFunc) cmpFunc {}

// memory compares pods by largest consumer of memory relative to request.
func memory(stats statsFunc) cmpFunc {}

// process compares pods by largest consumer of process number relative to request.
func process(stats statsFunc) cmpFunc {}

// exceedDiskRequests compares whether or not pods' disk usage exceeds their requests
func exceedDiskRequests(stats statsFunc, fsStatsToMeasure []fsStatsType, diskResource v1.ResourceName) cmpFunc {}

// disk compares pods by largest consumer of disk relative to request for the specified disk resource.
func disk(stats statsFunc, fsStatsToMeasure []fsStatsType, diskResource v1.ResourceName) cmpFunc {}

// cmpBool compares booleans, placing true before false
func cmpBool(a, b bool) int {}

// rankMemoryPressure orders the input pods for eviction in response to memory pressure.
// It ranks by whether or not the pod's usage exceeds its requests, then by priority, and
// finally by memory usage above requests.
func rankMemoryPressure(pods []*v1.Pod, stats statsFunc) {}

// rankPIDPressure orders the input pods by priority in response to PID pressure.
func rankPIDPressure(pods []*v1.Pod, stats statsFunc) {}

// rankDiskPressureFunc returns a rankFunc that measures the specified fs stats.
func rankDiskPressureFunc(fsStatsToMeasure []fsStatsType, diskResource v1.ResourceName) rankFunc {}

type byEvictionPriority

func (a byEvictionPriority) Len() int      {}

func (a byEvictionPriority) Swap(i, j int) {}

// Less ranks memory before all other resources, and ranks thresholds with no resource to reclaim last
func (a byEvictionPriority) Less(i, j int) bool {}

// makeSignalObservations derives observations using the specified summary provider.
func makeSignalObservations(summary *statsapi.Summary) (signalObservations, statsFunc) {}

func getSysContainer(sysContainers []statsapi.ContainerStats, name string) (*statsapi.ContainerStats, error) {}

// thresholdsMet returns the set of thresholds that were met independent of grace period
func thresholdsMet(thresholds []evictionapi.Threshold, observations signalObservations, enforceMinReclaim bool) []evictionapi.Threshold {}

func debugLogObservations(logPrefix string, observations signalObservations) {}

func debugLogThresholdsWithObservation(logPrefix string, thresholds []evictionapi.Threshold, observations signalObservations) {}

func thresholdsUpdatedStats(thresholds []evictionapi.Threshold, observations, lastObservations signalObservations) []evictionapi.Threshold {}

// thresholdsFirstObservedAt merges the input set of thresholds with the previous observation to determine when active set of thresholds were initially met.
func thresholdsFirstObservedAt(thresholds []evictionapi.Threshold, lastObservedAt thresholdsObservedAt, now time.Time) thresholdsObservedAt {}

// thresholdsMetGracePeriod returns the set of thresholds that have satisfied associated grace period
func thresholdsMetGracePeriod(observedAt thresholdsObservedAt, now time.Time) []evictionapi.Threshold {}

// nodeConditions returns the set of node conditions associated with a threshold
func nodeConditions(thresholds []evictionapi.Threshold) []v1.NodeConditionType {}

// nodeConditionsLastObservedAt merges the input with the previous observation to determine when a condition was most recently met.
func nodeConditionsLastObservedAt(nodeConditions []v1.NodeConditionType, lastObservedAt nodeConditionsObservedAt, now time.Time) nodeConditionsObservedAt {}

// nodeConditionsObservedSince returns the set of conditions that have been observed within the specified period
func nodeConditionsObservedSince(observedAt nodeConditionsObservedAt, period time.Duration, now time.Time) []v1.NodeConditionType {}

// hasFsStatsType returns true if the fsStat is in the input list
func hasFsStatsType(inputs []fsStatsType, item fsStatsType) bool {}

// hasNodeCondition returns true if the node condition is in the input list
func hasNodeCondition(inputs []v1.NodeConditionType, item v1.NodeConditionType) bool {}

// mergeThresholds will merge both threshold lists eliminating duplicates.
func mergeThresholds(inputsA []evictionapi.Threshold, inputsB []evictionapi.Threshold) []evictionapi.Threshold {}

// hasThreshold returns true if the threshold is in the input list
func hasThreshold(inputs []evictionapi.Threshold, item evictionapi.Threshold) bool {}

// compareThresholdValue returns true if the two thresholdValue objects are logically the same
func compareThresholdValue(a evictionapi.ThresholdValue, b evictionapi.ThresholdValue) bool {}

// isHardEvictionThreshold returns true if eviction should immediately occur
func isHardEvictionThreshold(threshold evictionapi.Threshold) bool {}

func isAllocatableEvictionThreshold(threshold evictionapi.Threshold) bool {}

// buildSignalToRankFunc returns ranking functions associated with resources
func buildSignalToRankFunc(withImageFs bool, imageContainerSplitFs bool) map[evictionapi.Signal]rankFunc {}

// PodIsEvicted returns true if the reported pod status is due to an eviction.
func PodIsEvicted(podStatus v1.PodStatus) bool {}

// buildSignalToNodeReclaimFuncs returns reclaim functions associated with resources.
func buildSignalToNodeReclaimFuncs(imageGC ImageGC, containerGC ContainerGC, withImageFs bool, splitContainerImageFs bool) map[evictionapi.Signal]nodeReclaimFuncs {}

// evictionMessage constructs a useful message about why an eviction occurred, and annotations to provide metadata about the eviction
func evictionMessage(resourceToReclaim v1.ResourceName, pod *v1.Pod, stats statsFunc, thresholds []evictionapi.Threshold, observations signalObservations) (message string, annotations map[string]string) {}

// getThresholdMetInfo get the threshold quantity and available for the resource resourceToReclaim
func getThresholdMetInfo(resourceToReclaim v1.ResourceName, thresholds []evictionapi.Threshold, observations signalObservations) (quantity *resource.Quantity, available *resource.Quantity) {}