
type ImagePodPullingTimeRecorder

type imageManager

var _

// NewImageManager instantiates a new ImageManager object.
func NewImageManager(recorder record.EventRecorder, imageService kubecontainer.ImageService, imageBackOff *flowcontrol.Backoff, serialized bool, maxParallelImagePulls *int32, qps float32, burst int, podPullingTimeRecorder ImagePodPullingTimeRecorder) ImageManager {}

// imagePullPrecheck inspects the pull policy and checks for image presence accordingly,
// returning (imageRef, error msg, err) and logging any errors.
func (m *imageManager) imagePullPrecheck(ctx context.Context, objRef *v1.ObjectReference, logPrefix string, pullPolicy v1.PullPolicy, spec *kubecontainer.ImageSpec, imgRef string) (imageRef string, msg string, err error) {}

// records an event using ref, event msg.  log to glog using prefix, msg, logFn
func (m *imageManager) logIt(objRef *v1.ObjectReference, eventtype, event, prefix, msg string, logFn func(args ...interface{}

// EnsureImageExists pulls the image for the specified pod and imgRef, and returns
// (imageRef, error message, error).
func (m *imageManager) EnsureImageExists(ctx context.Context, objRef *v1.ObjectReference, pod *v1.Pod, imgRef string, pullSecrets []v1.Secret, podSandboxConfig *runtimeapi.PodSandboxConfig, podRuntimeHandler string, pullPolicy v1.PullPolicy) (imageRef, message string, err error) {}

func evalCRIPullErr(imgRef string, err error) (errMsg string, errRes error) {}

// applyDefaultImageTag parses a docker image string, if it doesn't contain any tag or digest,
// a default tag will be applied.
func applyDefaultImageTag(image string) (string, error) {}