
type PodAdmitAttributes

type PodAdmitResult

type PodAdmitHandler

type PodAdmitTarget

type PodSyncLoopHandler

type PodSyncLoopTarget

type ShouldEvictResponse

type PodSyncHandler

type PodSyncTarget

type PodLifecycleTarget

type PodAdmitHandlers

// AddPodAdmitHandler adds the specified observer.
func (handlers *PodAdmitHandlers) AddPodAdmitHandler(a PodAdmitHandler) {}

type PodSyncLoopHandlers

// AddPodSyncLoopHandler adds the specified observer.
func (handlers *PodSyncLoopHandlers) AddPodSyncLoopHandler(a PodSyncLoopHandler) {}

type PodSyncHandlers

// AddPodSyncHandler adds the specified handler.
func (handlers *PodSyncHandlers) AddPodSyncHandler(a PodSyncHandler) {}