
const MaxNamesPerImageInNodeStatus

type Setter

// NodeAddress returns a Setter that updates address-related information on the node.
func NodeAddress(nodeIPs []net.IP, // typically Kubelet.nodeIPs
	validateNodeIPFunc func(net.IP) error, // typically Kubelet.nodeIPValidator
	hostname string, // typically Kubelet.hostname
	hostnameOverridden bool, // was the hostname force set?
	externalCloudProvider bool, // typically Kubelet.externalCloudProvider
	cloud cloudprovider.Interface, // typically Kubelet.cloud
	nodeAddressesFunc func() ([]v1.NodeAddress, error), // typically Kubelet.cloudResourceSyncManager.NodeAddresses
	resolveAddressFunc func(net.IP) (net.IP, error), // typically k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/net.ResolveBindAddress
) Setter {}

func hasAddressType(addresses []v1.NodeAddress, addressType v1.NodeAddressType) bool {}

func hasAddressValue(addresses []v1.NodeAddress, addressValue string) bool {}

// MachineInfo returns a Setter that updates machine-related information on the node.
func MachineInfo(nodeName string,
	maxPods int,
	podsPerCore int,
	machineInfoFunc func() (*cadvisorapiv1.MachineInfo, error), // typically Kubelet.GetCachedMachineInfo
	capacityFunc func(localStorageCapacityIsolation bool) v1.ResourceList, // typically Kubelet.containerManager.GetCapacity
	devicePluginResourceCapacityFunc func() (v1.ResourceList, v1.ResourceList, []string), // typically Kubelet.containerManager.GetDevicePluginResourceCapacity
	nodeAllocatableReservationFunc func() v1.ResourceList, // typically Kubelet.containerManager.GetNodeAllocatableReservation
	recordEventFunc func(eventType, event, message string), // typically Kubelet.recordEvent
	localStorageCapacityIsolation bool,
) Setter {}

// VersionInfo returns a Setter that updates version-related information on the node.
func VersionInfo(versionInfoFunc func() (*cadvisorapiv1.VersionInfo, error), // typically Kubelet.cadvisor.VersionInfo
	runtimeTypeFunc func() string, // typically Kubelet.containerRuntime.Type
	runtimeVersionFunc func(ctx context.Context) (kubecontainer.Version, error), // typically Kubelet.containerRuntime.Version
) Setter {}

// DaemonEndpoints returns a Setter that updates the daemon endpoints on the node.
func DaemonEndpoints(daemonEndpoints *v1.NodeDaemonEndpoints) Setter {}

// Images returns a Setter that updates the images on the node.
// imageListFunc is expected to return a list of images sorted in descending order by image size.
// nodeStatusMaxImages is ignored if set to -1.
func Images(nodeStatusMaxImages int32,
	imageListFunc func() ([]kubecontainer.Image, error), // typically Kubelet.imageManager.GetImageList
) Setter {}

// GoRuntime returns a Setter that sets GOOS and GOARCH on the node.
func GoRuntime() Setter {}

// NodeFeatures returns a Setter that sets NodeFeatures on the node.
func NodeFeatures(featuresGetter func() *kubecontainer.RuntimeFeatures) Setter {}

// RuntimeHandlers returns a Setter that sets RuntimeHandlers on the node.
func RuntimeHandlers(fn func() []kubecontainer.RuntimeHandler) Setter {}

// ReadyCondition returns a Setter that updates the v1.NodeReady condition on the node.
func ReadyCondition(
	nowFunc func() time.Time, // typically Kubelet.clock.Now
	runtimeErrorsFunc func() error, // typically Kubelet.runtimeState.runtimeErrors
	networkErrorsFunc func() error, // typically Kubelet.runtimeState.networkErrors
	storageErrorsFunc func() error, // typically Kubelet.runtimeState.storageErrors
	cmStatusFunc func() cm.Status, // typically Kubelet.containerManager.Status
	nodeShutdownManagerErrorsFunc func() error, // typically kubelet.shutdownManager.errors.
	recordEventFunc func(eventType, event string), // typically Kubelet.recordNodeStatusEvent
	localStorageCapacityIsolation bool,
) Setter {}

// MemoryPressureCondition returns a Setter that updates the v1.NodeMemoryPressure condition on the node.
func MemoryPressureCondition(nowFunc func() time.Time, // typically Kubelet.clock.Now
	pressureFunc func() bool, // typically Kubelet.evictionManager.IsUnderMemoryPressure
	recordEventFunc func(eventType, event string), // typically Kubelet.recordNodeStatusEvent
) Setter {}

// PIDPressureCondition returns a Setter that updates the v1.NodePIDPressure condition on the node.
func PIDPressureCondition(nowFunc func() time.Time, // typically Kubelet.clock.Now
	pressureFunc func() bool, // typically Kubelet.evictionManager.IsUnderPIDPressure
	recordEventFunc func(eventType, event string), // typically Kubelet.recordNodeStatusEvent
) Setter {}

// DiskPressureCondition returns a Setter that updates the v1.NodeDiskPressure condition on the node.
func DiskPressureCondition(nowFunc func() time.Time, // typically Kubelet.clock.Now
	pressureFunc func() bool, // typically Kubelet.evictionManager.IsUnderDiskPressure
	recordEventFunc func(eventType, event string), // typically Kubelet.recordNodeStatusEvent
) Setter {}

// VolumesInUse returns a Setter that updates the volumes in use on the node.
func VolumesInUse(syncedFunc func() bool, // typically Kubelet.volumeManager.ReconcilerStatesHasBeenSynced
	volumesInUseFunc func() []v1.UniqueVolumeName, // typically Kubelet.volumeManager.GetVolumesInUse
) Setter {}