
type MirrorClient

type nodeGetter

type basicMirrorClient

// NewBasicMirrorClient returns a new MirrorClient.
func NewBasicMirrorClient(apiserverClient clientset.Interface, nodeName string, nodeGetter nodeGetter) MirrorClient {}

func (mc *basicMirrorClient) CreateMirrorPod(pod *v1.Pod) error {}

// DeleteMirrorPod deletes a mirror pod.
// It takes the full name of the pod and optionally a UID.  If the UID
// is non-nil, the pod is deleted only if its UID matches the supplied UID.
// It returns whether the pod was actually deleted, and any error returned
// while parsing the name of the pod.
// Non-existence of the pod or UID mismatch is not treated as an error; the
// routine simply returns false in that case.
func (mc *basicMirrorClient) DeleteMirrorPod(podFullName string, uid *types.UID) (bool, error) {}

func (mc *basicMirrorClient) getNodeUID() (types.UID, error) {}

func getHashFromMirrorPod(pod *v1.Pod) (string, bool) {}

func getPodHash(pod *v1.Pod) string {}