
const containerDeletorBufferLimit

type containerStatusbyCreatedList

type podContainerDeletor

func (a containerStatusbyCreatedList) Len() int      {}

func (a containerStatusbyCreatedList) Swap(i, j int) {}

func (a containerStatusbyCreatedList) Less(i, j int) bool {}

func newPodContainerDeletor(runtime kubecontainer.Runtime, containersToKeep int) *podContainerDeletor {}

// getContainersToDeleteInPod returns the exited containers in a pod whose name matches the name inferred from filterContainerId (if not empty), ordered by the creation time from the latest to the earliest.
// If filterContainerID is empty, all dead containers in the pod are returned.
func getContainersToDeleteInPod(filterContainerID string, podStatus *kubecontainer.PodStatus, containersToKeep int) containerStatusbyCreatedList {}

// deleteContainersInPod issues container deletion requests for containers selected by getContainersToDeleteInPod.
func (p *podContainerDeletor) deleteContainersInPod(filterContainerID string, podStatus *kubecontainer.PodStatus, removeAll bool) {}