
type OnCompleteFunc

type PodStatusFunc

type KillPodOptions

type UpdatePodOptions

type PodWorkerState

const SyncPod

const TerminatingPod

const TerminatedPod

func (state PodWorkerState) String() string {}

type PodWorkerSync

type podWork

type PodWorkers

type podSyncer

type syncPodFnType

type syncTerminatingPodFnType

type syncTerminatingRuntimePodFnType

type syncTerminatedPodFnType

type podSyncerFuncs

func newPodSyncerFuncs(s podSyncer) podSyncerFuncs {}

var _

func (f podSyncerFuncs) SyncPod(ctx context.Context, updateType kubetypes.SyncPodType, pod *v1.Pod, mirrorPod *v1.Pod, podStatus *kubecontainer.PodStatus) (bool, error) {}

func (f podSyncerFuncs) SyncTerminatingPod(ctx context.Context, pod *v1.Pod, podStatus *kubecontainer.PodStatus, gracePeriod *int64, podStatusFn func(*v1.PodStatus)) error {}

func (f podSyncerFuncs) SyncTerminatingRuntimePod(ctx context.Context, runningPod *kubecontainer.Pod) error {}

func (f podSyncerFuncs) SyncTerminatedPod(ctx context.Context, pod *v1.Pod, podStatus *kubecontainer.PodStatus) error {}

const workerResyncIntervalJitterFactor

const workerBackOffPeriodJitterFactor

const backOffOnTransientErrorPeriod

type podSyncStatus

func (s *podSyncStatus) IsWorking() bool              {}

func (s *podSyncStatus) IsTerminationRequested() bool {}

func (s *podSyncStatus) IsTerminationStarted() bool   {}

func (s *podSyncStatus) IsTerminated() bool           {}

func (s *podSyncStatus) IsFinished() bool             {}

func (s *podSyncStatus) IsEvicted() bool              {}

func (s *podSyncStatus) IsDeleted() bool              {}

func (s *podSyncStatus) IsStarted() bool              {}

// WorkType returns this pods' current state of the pod in pod lifecycle state machine.
func (s *podSyncStatus) WorkType() PodWorkerState {}

// mergeLastUpdate records the most recent state from a new update. Pod and MirrorPod are
// incremented. KillPodOptions is accumulated. If RunningPod is set, Pod is synthetic and
// will *not* be used as the last pod state unless no previous pod state exists (because
// the pod worker may be responsible for terminating a pod from a previous run of the
// kubelet where no config state is visible). The contents of activeUpdate are used as the
// source of truth for components downstream of the pod workers.
func (s *podSyncStatus) mergeLastUpdate(other UpdatePodOptions) {}

type podWorkers

func newPodWorkers(
	podSyncer podSyncer,
	recorder record.EventRecorder,
	workQueue queue.WorkQueue,
	resyncInterval, backOffPeriod time.Duration,
	podCache kubecontainer.Cache,
) PodWorkers {}

func (p *podWorkers) IsPodKnownTerminated(uid types.UID) bool {}

func (p *podWorkers) CouldHaveRunningContainers(uid types.UID) bool {}

func (p *podWorkers) ShouldPodBeFinished(uid types.UID) bool {}

func (p *podWorkers) IsPodTerminationRequested(uid types.UID) bool {}

func (p *podWorkers) ShouldPodContainersBeTerminating(uid types.UID) bool {}

func (p *podWorkers) ShouldPodRuntimeBeRemoved(uid types.UID) bool {}

func (p *podWorkers) ShouldPodContentBeRemoved(uid types.UID) bool {}

func (p *podWorkers) IsPodForMirrorPodTerminatingByFullName(podFullName string) bool {}

func isPodStatusCacheTerminal(status *kubecontainer.PodStatus) bool {}

// UpdatePod carries a configuration change or termination state to a pod. A pod is either runnable,
// terminating, or terminated, and will transition to terminating if: deleted on the apiserver,
// discovered to have a terminal phase (Succeeded or Failed), or evicted by the kubelet.
func (p *podWorkers) UpdatePod(options UpdatePodOptions) {}

// calculateEffectiveGracePeriod sets the initial grace period for a newly terminating pod or allows a
// shorter grace period to be provided, returning the desired value.
func calculateEffectiveGracePeriod(status *podSyncStatus, pod *v1.Pod, options *KillPodOptions) (int64, bool) {}

// allowPodStart tries to start the pod and returns true if allowed, otherwise
// it requeues the pod and returns false. If the pod will never be able to start
// because data is missing, or the pod was terminated before start, canEverStart
// is false. This method can only be called while holding the pod lock.
func (p *podWorkers) allowPodStart(pod *v1.Pod) (canStart bool, canEverStart bool) {}

// allowStaticPodStart tries to start the static pod and returns true if
// 1. there are no other started static pods with the same fullname
// 2. the uid matches that of the first valid static pod waiting to start
func (p *podWorkers) allowStaticPodStart(fullname string, uid types.UID) bool {}

// cleanupUnstartedPod is invoked if a pod that has never been started receives a termination
// signal before it can be started. This method must be called holding the pod lock.
func (p *podWorkers) cleanupUnstartedPod(pod *v1.Pod, status *podSyncStatus) {}

// startPodSync is invoked by each pod worker goroutine when a message arrives on the pod update channel.
// This method consumes a pending update, initializes a context, decides whether the pod is already started
// or can be started, and updates the cached pod state so that downstream components can observe what the
// pod worker goroutine is currently attempting to do. If ok is false, there is no available event. If any
// of the boolean values is false, ensure the appropriate cleanup happens before returning.
// This method should ensure that either status.pendingUpdate is cleared and merged into status.activeUpdate,
// or when a pod cannot be started status.pendingUpdate remains the same. Pods that have not been started
// should never have an activeUpdate because that is exposed to downstream components on started pods.
func (p *podWorkers) startPodSync(podUID types.UID) (ctx context.Context, update podWork, canStart, canEverStart, ok bool) {}

func podUIDAndRefForUpdate(update UpdatePodOptions) (types.UID, klog.ObjectRef) {}

// podWorkerLoop manages sequential state updates to a pod in a goroutine, exiting once the final
// state is reached. The loop is responsible for driving the pod through four main phases:
// 1. Wait to start, guaranteeing no two pods with the same UID or same fullname are running at the same time
// 2. Sync, orchestrating pod setup by reconciling the desired pod spec with the runtime state of the pod
// 3. Terminating, ensuring all running containers in the pod are stopped
// 4. Terminated, cleaning up any resources that must be released before the pod can be deleted
// The podWorkerLoop is driven by updates delivered to UpdatePod and by SyncKnownPods. If a particular
// sync method fails, p.workerQueue is updated with backoff but it is the responsibility of the kubelet
// to trigger new UpdatePod calls. SyncKnownPods will only retry pods that are no longer known to the
// caller. When a pod transitions working->terminating or terminating->terminated, the next update is
// queued immediately and no kubelet action is required.
func (p *podWorkers) podWorkerLoop(podUID types.UID, podUpdates <-chan struct{}

// acknowledgeTerminating sets the terminating flag on the pod status once the pod worker sees
// the termination state so that other components know no new containers will be started in this
// pod. It then returns the status function, if any, that applies to this pod.
func (p *podWorkers) acknowledgeTerminating(podUID types.UID) PodStatusFunc {}

// completeSync is invoked when syncPod completes successfully and indicates the pod is now terminal and should
// be terminated. This happens when the natural pod lifecycle completes - any pod which is not RestartAlways
// exits. Unnatural completions, such as evictions, API driven deletion or phase transition, are handled by
// UpdatePod.
func (p *podWorkers) completeSync(podUID types.UID) {}

// completeTerminating is invoked when syncTerminatingPod completes successfully, which means
// no container is running, no container will be started in the future, and we are ready for
// cleanup.  This updates the termination state which prevents future syncs and will ensure
// other kubelet loops know this pod is not running any containers.
func (p *podWorkers) completeTerminating(podUID types.UID) {}

// completeTerminatingRuntimePod is invoked when syncTerminatingPod completes successfully,
// which means an orphaned pod (no config) is terminated and we can exit. Since orphaned
// pods have no API representation, we want to exit the loop at this point and ensure no
// status is present afterwards - the running pod is truly terminated when this is invoked.
func (p *podWorkers) completeTerminatingRuntimePod(podUID types.UID) {}

// completeTerminated is invoked after syncTerminatedPod completes successfully and means we
// can stop the pod worker. The pod is finalized at this point.
func (p *podWorkers) completeTerminated(podUID types.UID) {}

// completeWork requeues on error or the next sync interval and then immediately executes any pending
// work.
func (p *podWorkers) completeWork(podUID types.UID, phaseTransition bool, syncErr error) {}

// SyncKnownPods will purge any fully terminated pods that are not in the desiredPods
// list, which means SyncKnownPods must be called in a threadsafe manner from calls
// to UpdatePods for new pods. Because the podworker is dependent on UpdatePod being
// invoked to drive a pod's state machine, if a pod is missing in the desired list the
// pod worker must be responsible for delivering that update. The method returns a map
// of known workers that are not finished with a value of SyncPodTerminated,
// SyncPodKill, or SyncPodSync depending on whether the pod is terminated, terminating,
// or syncing.
func (p *podWorkers) SyncKnownPods(desiredPods []*v1.Pod) map[types.UID]PodWorkerSync {}

// removeTerminatedWorker cleans up and removes the worker status for a worker
// that has reached a terminal state of "finished" - has successfully exited
// syncTerminatedPod. This "forgets" a pod by UID and allows another pod to be
// recreated with the same UID. The kubelet preserves state about recently
// terminated pods to prevent accidentally restarting a terminal pod, which is
// proportional to the number of pods described in the pod config. The method
// returns true if the worker was completely removed.
func (p *podWorkers) removeTerminatedWorker(uid types.UID, status *podSyncStatus, orphaned bool) bool {}

// killPodNow returns a KillPodFunc that can be used to kill a pod.
// It is intended to be injected into other modules that need to kill a pod.
func killPodNow(podWorkers PodWorkers, recorder record.EventRecorder) eviction.KillPodFunc {}

// cleanupPodUpdates closes the podUpdates channel and removes it from
// podUpdates map so that the corresponding pod worker can stop. It also
// removes any undelivered work. This method must be called holding the
// pod lock.
func (p *podWorkers) cleanupPodUpdates(uid types.UID) {}

// requeueLastPodUpdate creates a new pending pod update from the most recently
// executed update if no update is already queued, and then notifies the pod
// worker goroutine of the update. This method must be called while holding
// the pod lock.
func (p *podWorkers) requeueLastPodUpdate(podUID types.UID, status *podSyncStatus) {}