
var ProberResults

var ProberDuration

type Manager

type manager

// NewManager creates a Manager for pod probing.
func NewManager(
	statusManager status.Manager,
	livenessManager results.Manager,
	readinessManager results.Manager,
	startupManager results.Manager,
	runner kubecontainer.CommandRunner,
	recorder record.EventRecorder) Manager {}

type probeKey

type probeType

const liveness

const readiness

const startup

const probeResultSuccessful

const probeResultFailed

const probeResultUnknown

// For debugging.
func (t probeType) String() string {}

func getRestartableInitContainers(pod *v1.Pod) []v1.Container {}

func (m *manager) AddPod(pod *v1.Pod) {}

func (m *manager) StopLivenessAndStartup(pod *v1.Pod) {}

func (m *manager) RemovePod(pod *v1.Pod) {}

func (m *manager) CleanupPods(desiredPods map[types.UID]sets.Empty) {}

func (m *manager) isContainerStarted(pod *v1.Pod, containerStatus *v1.ContainerStatus) bool {}

func (m *manager) UpdatePodStatus(pod *v1.Pod, podStatus *v1.PodStatus) {}

func (m *manager) getWorker(podUID types.UID, containerName string, probeType probeType) (*worker, bool) {}

// Called by the worker after exiting.
func (m *manager) removeWorker(podUID types.UID, containerName string, probeType probeType) {}

// workerCount returns the total number of probe workers. For testing.
func (m *manager) workerCount() int {}