
type statCache

type fsResourceAnalyzerInterface

type fsResourceAnalyzer

var _

// newFsResourceAnalyzer returns a new fsResourceAnalyzer implementation
func newFsResourceAnalyzer(statsProvider Provider, calcVolumePeriod time.Duration, eventRecorder record.EventRecorder) *fsResourceAnalyzer {}

// Start eager background caching of volume stats.
func (s *fsResourceAnalyzer) Start() {}

// updateCachedPodVolumeStats calculates and caches the PodVolumeStats for every Pod known to the kubelet.
func (s *fsResourceAnalyzer) updateCachedPodVolumeStats() {}

// GetPodVolumeStats returns the PodVolumeStats for a given pod.  Results are looked up from a cache that
// is eagerly populated in the background, and never calculated on the fly.
func (s *fsResourceAnalyzer) GetPodVolumeStats(uid types.UID) (PodVolumeStats, bool) {}