
var defaultCachePeriod

type cpuUsageRecord

type criStatsProvider

// newCRIStatsProvider returns a containerStatsProvider implementation that
// provides container stats using CRI.
func newCRIStatsProvider(
	cadvisor cadvisor.Interface,
	resourceAnalyzer stats.ResourceAnalyzer,
	runtimeService internalapi.RuntimeService,
	imageService internalapi.ImageManagerService,
	hostStatsProvider HostStatsProvider,
	podAndContainerStatsFromCRI bool,
) containerStatsProvider {}

// ListPodStats returns the stats of all the pod-managed containers.
func (p *criStatsProvider) ListPodStats(ctx context.Context) ([]statsapi.PodStats, error) {}

// ListPodStatsAndUpdateCPUNanoCoreUsage updates the cpu nano core usage for
// the containers and returns the stats for all the pod-managed containers.
// This is a workaround because CRI runtimes do not supply nano core usages,
// so this function calculate the difference between the current and the last
// (cached) cpu stats to calculate this metrics. The implementation assumes a
// single caller to periodically invoke this function to update the metrics. If
// there exist multiple callers, the period used to compute the cpu usage may
// vary and the usage could be incoherent (e.g., spiky). If no caller calls
// this function, the cpu usage will stay nil. Right now, eviction manager is
// the only caller, and it calls this function every 10s.
func (p *criStatsProvider) ListPodStatsAndUpdateCPUNanoCoreUsage(ctx context.Context) ([]statsapi.PodStats, error) {}

func (p *criStatsProvider) listPodStats(ctx context.Context, updateCPUNanoCoreUsage bool) ([]statsapi.PodStats, error) {}

func (p *criStatsProvider) listPodStatsPartiallyFromCRI(ctx context.Context, updateCPUNanoCoreUsage bool, containerMap map[string]*runtimeapi.Container, podSandboxMap map[string]*runtimeapi.PodSandbox, rootFsInfo *cadvisorapiv2.FsInfo) ([]statsapi.PodStats, error) {}

func (p *criStatsProvider) listPodStatsStrictlyFromCRI(ctx context.Context, updateCPUNanoCoreUsage bool, containerMap map[string]*runtimeapi.Container, podSandboxMap map[string]*runtimeapi.PodSandbox, rootFsInfo *cadvisorapiv2.FsInfo) ([]statsapi.PodStats, error) {}

// ListPodCPUAndMemoryStats returns the CPU and Memory stats of all the pod-managed containers.
func (p *criStatsProvider) ListPodCPUAndMemoryStats(ctx context.Context) ([]statsapi.PodStats, error) {}

func (p *criStatsProvider) getPodAndContainerMaps(ctx context.Context) (map[string]*runtimeapi.Container, map[string]*runtimeapi.PodSandbox, error) {}

// ImageFsStats returns the stats of the image filesystem.
func (p *criStatsProvider) ImageFsStats(ctx context.Context) (imageFsRet *statsapi.FsStats, containerFsRet *statsapi.FsStats, errRet error) {}

// ImageFsDevice returns name of the device where the image filesystem locates,
// e.g. /dev/sda1.
func (p *criStatsProvider) ImageFsDevice(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {}

// getFsInfo returns the information of the filesystem with the specified
// fsID. If any error occurs, this function logs the error and returns
// nil.
func (p *criStatsProvider) getFsInfo(fsID *runtimeapi.FilesystemIdentifier) (*cadvisorapiv2.FsInfo, error) {}

// buildPodStats returns a PodStats that identifies the Pod managing cinfo
func buildPodStats(podSandbox *runtimeapi.PodSandbox) *statsapi.PodStats {}

func (p *criStatsProvider) addPodNetworkStats(
	ps *statsapi.PodStats,
	podSandboxID string,
	caInfos map[string]cadvisorapiv2.ContainerInfo,
	cs *statsapi.ContainerStats,
	netStats *statsapi.NetworkStats,
) {}

func (p *criStatsProvider) addPodCPUMemoryStats(
	ps *statsapi.PodStats,
	podUID types.UID,
	allInfos map[string]cadvisorapiv2.ContainerInfo,
	cs *statsapi.ContainerStats,
) {}

func (p *criStatsProvider) addSwapStats(
	ps *statsapi.PodStats,
	podUID types.UID,
	allInfos map[string]cadvisorapiv2.ContainerInfo,
	cs *statsapi.ContainerStats,
) {}

func (p *criStatsProvider) addProcessStats(
	ps *statsapi.PodStats,
	container *cadvisorapiv2.ContainerInfo,
) {}

func (p *criStatsProvider) makeContainerStats(
	stats *runtimeapi.ContainerStats,
	container *runtimeapi.Container,
	rootFsInfo *cadvisorapiv2.FsInfo,
	fsIDtoInfo map[runtimeapi.FilesystemIdentifier]*cadvisorapiv2.FsInfo,
	meta *runtimeapi.PodSandboxMetadata,
	updateCPUNanoCoreUsage bool,
) (*statsapi.ContainerStats, error) {}

func (p *criStatsProvider) makeContainerCPUAndMemoryStats(
	stats *runtimeapi.ContainerStats,
	container *runtimeapi.Container,
) *statsapi.ContainerStats {}

// getContainerUsageNanoCores first attempts to get the usage nano cores from the stats reported
// by the CRI. If it is unable to, it gets the information from the cache instead.
func (p *criStatsProvider) getContainerUsageNanoCores(stats *runtimeapi.ContainerStats) *uint64 {}

// getAndUpdateContainerUsageNanoCores first attempts to get the usage nano cores from the stats reported
// by the CRI. If it is unable to, it computes usageNanoCores based on the given and the cached usageCoreNanoSeconds,
// updates the cache with the computed usageNanoCores, and returns the usageNanoCores.
func (p *criStatsProvider) getAndUpdateContainerUsageNanoCores(stats *runtimeapi.ContainerStats) *uint64 {}

func (p *criStatsProvider) cleanupOutdatedCaches() {}

// removeTerminatedPods returns pods with terminated ones removed.
// It only removes a terminated pod when there is a running instance
// of the pod with the same name and namespace.
// This is needed because:
// 1) PodSandbox may be recreated;
// 2) Pod may be recreated with the same name and namespace.
func removeTerminatedPods(pods []*runtimeapi.PodSandbox) []*runtimeapi.PodSandbox {}

// removeTerminatedContainers removes all terminated containers since they should
// not be used for usage calculations.
func removeTerminatedContainers(containers []*runtimeapi.Container) []*runtimeapi.Container {}

func (p *criStatsProvider) addCadvisorContainerStats(
	cs *statsapi.ContainerStats,
	caPodStats *cadvisorapiv2.ContainerInfo,
) {}

func (p *criStatsProvider) addCadvisorContainerCPUAndMemoryStats(
	cs *statsapi.ContainerStats,
	caPodStats *cadvisorapiv2.ContainerInfo,
) {}

func getCRICadvisorStats(infos map[string]cadvisorapiv2.ContainerInfo) (map[string]cadvisorapiv2.ContainerInfo, map[string]cadvisorapiv2.ContainerInfo) {}

func extractIDFromCgroupPath(cgroupPath string) string {}

func criInterfaceToSummary(criIface *runtimeapi.NetworkInterfaceUsage) statsapi.InterfaceStats {}

func valueOfUInt64Value(value *runtimeapi.UInt64Value) *uint64 {}