
type PodManager

// NewCRIStatsProvider returns a Provider that provides the node stats
// from cAdvisor and the container stats from CRI.
func NewCRIStatsProvider(
	cadvisor cadvisor.Interface,
	resourceAnalyzer stats.ResourceAnalyzer,
	podManager PodManager,
	runtimeCache kubecontainer.RuntimeCache,
	runtimeService internalapi.RuntimeService,
	imageService internalapi.ImageManagerService,
	hostStatsProvider HostStatsProvider,
	podAndContainerStatsFromCRI bool,
) *Provider {}

// NewCadvisorStatsProvider returns a containerStatsProvider that provides both
// the node and the container stats from cAdvisor.
func NewCadvisorStatsProvider(
	cadvisor cadvisor.Interface,
	resourceAnalyzer stats.ResourceAnalyzer,
	podManager PodManager,
	runtimeCache kubecontainer.RuntimeCache,
	imageService kubecontainer.ImageService,
	statusProvider status.PodStatusProvider,
	hostStatsProvider HostStatsProvider,
) *Provider {}

// newStatsProvider returns a new Provider that provides node stats from
// cAdvisor and the container stats using the containerStatsProvider.
func newStatsProvider(
	cadvisor cadvisor.Interface,
	podManager PodManager,
	runtimeCache kubecontainer.RuntimeCache,
	containerStatsProvider containerStatsProvider,
) *Provider {}

type Provider

type containerStatsProvider

// RlimitStats returns base information about process count
func (p *Provider) RlimitStats() (*statsapi.RlimitStats, error) {}

// GetCgroupStats returns the stats of the cgroup with the cgroupName. Note that
// this function doesn't generate filesystem stats.
func (p *Provider) GetCgroupStats(cgroupName string, updateStats bool) (*statsapi.ContainerStats, *statsapi.NetworkStats, error) {}

// GetCgroupCPUAndMemoryStats returns the CPU and memory stats of the cgroup with the cgroupName. Note that
// this function doesn't generate filesystem stats.
func (p *Provider) GetCgroupCPUAndMemoryStats(cgroupName string, updateStats bool) (*statsapi.ContainerStats, error) {}

// RootFsStats returns the stats of the node root filesystem.
func (p *Provider) RootFsStats() (*statsapi.FsStats, error) {}

// HasDedicatedImageFs returns true if a dedicated image filesystem exists for storing images.
// KEP Issue Number 4191: Enhanced this to allow for the containers to be separate from images.
func (p *Provider) HasDedicatedImageFs(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {}

// HasDedicatedImageFs returns true if a dedicated image filesystem exists for storing images.
// KEP Issue Number 4191: Enhanced this to allow for the containers to be separate from images.
func (p *Provider) HasDedicatedContainerFs(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {}

func equalFileSystems(a, b *statsapi.FsStats) bool {}