
const podStatusManagerStateFile

type versionedPodStatus

type manager

type PodManager

type PodStatusProvider

type PodDeletionSafetyProvider

type PodStartupLatencyStateHelper

type Manager

type allocationManager

const syncPeriod

// NewManager returns a functional Manager.
func NewManager(kubeClient clientset.Interface, podManager PodManager, podDeletionSafety PodDeletionSafetyProvider, podStartupLatencyHelper PodStartupLatencyStateHelper, stateFileDirectory string) Manager {}

// isPodStatusByKubeletEqual returns true if the given pod statuses are equal when non-kubelet-owned
// pod conditions are excluded.
// This method normalizes the status before comparing so as to make sure that meaningless
// changes will be ignored.
func isPodStatusByKubeletEqual(oldStatus, status *v1.PodStatus) bool {}

func (m *manager) Start() {}

// GetContainerResourceAllocation returns the last checkpointed AllocatedResources values
// If checkpoint manager has not been initialized, it returns nil, false
func (m *manager) GetContainerResourceAllocation(podUID string, containerName string) (v1.ResourceRequirements, bool) {}

// UpdatePodFromAllocation overwrites the pod spec with the allocation.
// This function does a deep copy only if updates are needed.
func (m *manager) UpdatePodFromAllocation(pod *v1.Pod) (*v1.Pod, bool) {}

func updatePodFromAllocation(pod *v1.Pod, allocs state.PodResourceAllocation) (*v1.Pod, bool) {}

// GetPodResizeStatus returns the last checkpointed ResizeStaus value
// If checkpoint manager has not been initialized, it returns nil, false
func (m *manager) GetPodResizeStatus(podUID string) (v1.PodResizeStatus, bool) {}

// SetPodAllocation checkpoints the resources allocated to a pod's containers
func (m *manager) SetPodAllocation(pod *v1.Pod) error {}

// SetPodResizeStatus checkpoints the last resizing decision for the pod.
func (m *manager) SetPodResizeStatus(podUID types.UID, resizeStatus v1.PodResizeStatus) error {}

func (m *manager) GetPodStatus(uid types.UID) (v1.PodStatus, bool) {}

func (m *manager) SetPodStatus(pod *v1.Pod, status v1.PodStatus) {}

func (m *manager) SetContainerReadiness(podUID types.UID, containerID kubecontainer.ContainerID, ready bool) {}

func (m *manager) SetContainerStartup(podUID types.UID, containerID kubecontainer.ContainerID, started bool) {}

func findContainerStatus(status *v1.PodStatus, containerID string) (containerStatus *v1.ContainerStatus, init bool, ok bool) {}

// TerminatePod ensures that the status of containers is properly defaulted at the end of the pod
// lifecycle. As the Kubelet must reconcile with the container runtime to observe container status
// there is always the possibility we are unable to retrieve one or more container statuses due to
// garbage collection, admin action, or loss of temporary data on a restart. This method ensures
// that any absent container status is treated as a failure so that we do not incorrectly describe
// the pod as successful. If we have not yet initialized the pod in the presence of init containers,
// the init container failure status is sufficient to describe the pod as failing, and we do not need
// to override waiting containers (unless there is evidence the pod previously started those containers).
// It also makes sure that pods are transitioned to a terminal phase (Failed or Succeeded) before
// their deletion.
func (m *manager) TerminatePod(pod *v1.Pod) {}

// hasPodInitialized returns true if the pod has no evidence of ever starting a regular container, which
// implies those containers should not be transitioned to terminated status.
func hasPodInitialized(pod *v1.Pod) bool {}

// initializedContainers returns all status except for suffix of containers that are in Waiting
// state, which is the set of containers that have attempted to start at least once. If all containers
// are Waiting, the first container is always returned.
func initializedContainers(containers []v1.ContainerStatus) []v1.ContainerStatus {}

// checkContainerStateTransition ensures that no container is trying to transition
// from a terminated to non-terminated state, which is illegal and indicates a
// logical error in the kubelet.
func checkContainerStateTransition(oldStatuses, newStatuses *v1.PodStatus, podSpec *v1.PodSpec) error {}

// updateStatusInternal updates the internal status cache, and queues an update to the api server if
// necessary.
// This method IS NOT THREAD SAFE and must be called from a locked function.
func (m *manager) updateStatusInternal(pod *v1.Pod, status v1.PodStatus, forceUpdate, podIsFinished bool) {}

// updateLastTransitionTime updates the LastTransitionTime of a pod condition.
func updateLastTransitionTime(status, oldStatus *v1.PodStatus, conditionType v1.PodConditionType) {}

// deletePodStatus simply removes the given pod from the status cache.
func (m *manager) deletePodStatus(uid types.UID) {}

// TODO(filipg): It'd be cleaner if we can do this without signal from user.
func (m *manager) RemoveOrphanedStatuses(podUIDs map[types.UID]bool) {}

// syncBatch syncs pods statuses with the apiserver. Returns the number of syncs
// attempted for testing.
func (m *manager) syncBatch(all bool) int {}

// syncPod syncs the given status with the API server. The caller must not hold the status lock.
func (m *manager) syncPod(uid types.UID, status versionedPodStatus) {}

// needsUpdate returns whether the status is stale for the given pod UID.
// This method is not thread safe, and must only be accessed by the sync thread.
func (m *manager) needsUpdate(uid types.UID, status versionedPodStatus) bool {}

func (m *manager) canBeDeleted(pod *v1.Pod, status v1.PodStatus, podIsFinished bool) bool {}

// needsReconcile compares the given status with the status in the pod manager (which
// in fact comes from apiserver), returns whether the status needs to be reconciled with
// the apiserver. Now when pod status is inconsistent between apiserver and kubelet,
// kubelet should forcibly send an update to reconcile the inconsistence, because kubelet
// should be the source of truth of pod status.
// NOTE(random-liu): It's simpler to pass in mirror pod uid and get mirror pod by uid, but
// now the pod manager only supports getting mirror pod by static pod, so we have to pass
// static pod uid here.
// TODO(random-liu): Simplify the logic when mirror pod manager is added.
func (m *manager) needsReconcile(uid types.UID, status v1.PodStatus) bool {}

// normalizeStatus normalizes nanosecond precision timestamps in podStatus
// down to second precision (*RFC339NANO* -> *RFC3339*). This must be done
// before comparing podStatus to the status returned by apiserver because
// apiserver does not support RFC339NANO.
// Related issue #15262/PR #15263 to move apiserver to RFC339NANO is closed.
func normalizeStatus(pod *v1.Pod, status *v1.PodStatus) *v1.PodStatus {}

// mergePodStatus merges oldPodStatus and newPodStatus to preserve where pod conditions
// not owned by kubelet and to ensure terminal phase transition only happens after all
// running containers have terminated. This method does not modify the old status.
func mergePodStatus(oldPodStatus, newPodStatus v1.PodStatus, couldHaveRunningContainers bool) v1.PodStatus {}

// NeedToReconcilePodReadiness returns if the pod "Ready" condition need to be reconcile
func NeedToReconcilePodReadiness(pod *v1.Pod) bool {}