
const ConfigSourceAnnotationKey

const ConfigMirrorAnnotationKey

const ConfigFirstSeenAnnotationKey

const ConfigHashAnnotationKey

type PodOperation

const SET

const ADD

const DELETE

const REMOVE

const UPDATE


const FileSource

const HTTPSource

const ApiserverSource

const AllSource

const NamespaceDefault

type PodUpdate

// GetValidatedSources gets all validated sources from the specified sources.
func GetValidatedSources(sources []string) ([]string, error) {}

// GetPodSource returns the source of the pod based on the annotation.
func GetPodSource(pod *v1.Pod) (string, error) {}

type SyncPodType

const SyncPodSync

const SyncPodUpdate

const SyncPodCreate

const SyncPodKill

func (sp SyncPodType) String() string {}

// IsMirrorPod returns true if the passed Pod is a Mirror Pod.
func IsMirrorPod(pod *v1.Pod) bool {}

// IsStaticPod returns true if the pod is a static pod.
func IsStaticPod(pod *v1.Pod) bool {}

// IsCriticalPod returns true if pod's priority is greater than or equal to SystemCriticalPriority.
func IsCriticalPod(pod *v1.Pod) bool {}

// Preemptable returns true if preemptor pod can preempt preemptee pod
// if preemptee is not critical or if preemptor's priority is greater than preemptee's priority
func Preemptable(preemptor, preemptee *v1.Pod) bool {}

// IsCriticalPodBasedOnPriority checks if the given pod is a critical pod based on priority resolved from pod Spec.
func IsCriticalPodBasedOnPriority(priority int32) bool {}

// IsNodeCriticalPod checks if the given pod is a system-node-critical
func IsNodeCriticalPod(pod *v1.Pod) bool {}

// IsRestartableInitContainer returns true if the initContainer has
// ContainerRestartPolicyAlways.
func IsRestartableInitContainer(initContainer *v1.Container) bool {}

// HasRestartableInitContainer returns true if the pod has any restartable init
// container
func HasRestartableInitContainer(pod *v1.Pod) bool {}