
type HTTPDoer

type Timestamp

// NewTimestamp returns a Timestamp object using the current time.
func NewTimestamp() *Timestamp {}

// ConvertToTimestamp takes a string, parses it using the RFC3339NanoLenient layout,
// and converts it to a Timestamp object.
func ConvertToTimestamp(timeString string) *Timestamp {}

// Get returns the time as time.Time.
func (t *Timestamp) Get() time.Time {}

// GetString returns the time in the string format using the RFC3339NanoFixed
// layout.
func (t *Timestamp) GetString() string {}

type SortedContainerStatuses

func (s SortedContainerStatuses) Len() int      {}

func (s SortedContainerStatuses) Swap(i, j int) {}

func (s SortedContainerStatuses) Less(i, j int) bool {}

// SortInitContainerStatuses ensures that statuses are in the order that their
// init container appears in the pod spec
func SortInitContainerStatuses(p *v1.Pod, statuses []v1.ContainerStatus) {}

// SortStatusesOfInitContainers returns the statuses of InitContainers of pod p,
// in the order that they appear in its spec.
func SortStatusesOfInitContainers(p *v1.Pod, statusMap map[string]*v1.ContainerStatus) []v1.ContainerStatus {}

type Reservation

type ResolvedPodUID

type MirrorPodUID