
const userNsLength

const mapReInitializeThreshold

type userNsPodsManager

type UsernsManager

type userNamespace

type idMapping

const mappingsFile

// writeMappingsToFile writes the specified user namespace configuration to the pod
// directory.
func (m *UsernsManager) writeMappingsToFile(pod types.UID, userNs userNamespace) error {}

// readMappingsFromFile reads the user namespace configuration from the pod directory.
func (m *UsernsManager) readMappingsFromFile(pod types.UID) ([]byte, error) {}

func MakeUserNsManager(kl userNsPodsManager) (*UsernsManager, error) {}

// recordPodMappings registers the range used for the user namespace if the
// usernsConfFile exists in the pod directory.
func (m *UsernsManager) recordPodMappings(pod types.UID) error {}

// isSet checks if the specified index is already set.
func (m *UsernsManager) isSet(v uint32) bool {}

// allocateOne finds a free user namespace and allocate it to the specified pod.
// The first return value is the first ID in the user namespace, the second returns
// the length for the user namespace range.
func (m *UsernsManager) allocateOne(pod types.UID) (firstID uint32, length uint32, err error) {}

// record stores the user namespace [from; from+length] to the specified pod.
func (m *UsernsManager) record(pod types.UID, from, length uint32) (err error) {}

// Release releases the user namespace allocated to the specified pod.
func (m *UsernsManager) Release(podUID types.UID) {}

// podAllocated returns true if the pod is allocated, false otherwise.
func (m *UsernsManager) podAllocated(podUID types.UID) bool {}

func (m *UsernsManager) releaseWithLock(pod types.UID) {}

func (m *UsernsManager) parseUserNsFileAndRecord(pod types.UID, content []byte) (userNs userNamespace, err error) {}

func (m *UsernsManager) createUserNs(pod *v1.Pod) (userNs userNamespace, err error) {}

// GetOrCreateUserNamespaceMappings returns the configuration for the sandbox user namespace
func (m *UsernsManager) GetOrCreateUserNamespaceMappings(pod *v1.Pod, runtimeHandler string) (*runtimeapi.UserNamespace, error) {}

// CleanupOrphanedPodUsernsAllocations reconciliates the state of user namespace
// allocations with the pods actually running. It frees any user namespace
// allocation for orphaned pods.
func (m *UsernsManager) CleanupOrphanedPodUsernsAllocations(pods []*v1.Pod, runningPods []*kubecontainer.Pod) error {}

func EnabledUserNamespacesSupport() bool {}