
// Calls AddPodToVolume() to add new pod to new volume
// Verifies newly added pod/volume exists via
// PodExistsInVolume() VolumeExists() and GetVolumesToMount()
func Test_AddPodToVolume_Positive_NewPodNewVolume(t *testing.T) {}

// Calls AddPodToVolume() twice to add the same pod to the same volume
// Verifies newly added pod/volume exists via
// PodExistsInVolume() VolumeExists() and GetVolumesToMount() and no errors.
func Test_AddPodToVolume_Positive_ExistingPodExistingVolume(t *testing.T) {}

// Call AddPodToVolume() on different pods for different kinds of volumes
// Verities generated names are same for different pods if volume is device mountable or attachable
// Verities generated names are different for different pods if volume is not device mountble and attachable
func Test_AddPodToVolume_Positive_NamesForDifferentPodsAndDifferentVolumes(t *testing.T) {}

// Populates data struct with a new volume/pod
// Calls DeletePodFromVolume() to removes the pod
// Verifies newly added pod/volume are deleted
func Test_DeletePodFromVolume_Positive_PodExistsVolumeExists(t *testing.T) {}

// Calls AddPodToVolume() to add three new volumes to data struct
// Verifies newly added pod/volume exists via PodExistsInVolume()
// VolumeExists() and GetVolumesToMount()
// Marks only second volume as reported in use.
// Verifies only that volume is marked reported in use
// Marks only first volume as reported in use.
// Verifies only that volume is marked reported in use
func Test_MarkVolumesReportedInUse_Positive_NewPodNewVolume(t *testing.T) {}

func Test_AddPodToVolume_WithEmptyDirSizeLimit(t *testing.T) {}

// Calls AddPodToVolume() in an empty DSW with various SELinux settings / access modes.
func Test_AddPodToVolume_SELinuxSinglePod(t *testing.T) {}

// Calls AddPodToVolume() twice to add two pods with various SELinux settings and access modes.
func Test_AddPodToVolume_SELinux_MultiplePods(t *testing.T) {}

func verifyVolumeExistsDsw(
	t *testing.T, expectedVolumeName v1.UniqueVolumeName, expectedSELinuxContext string, dsw DesiredStateOfWorld) {}

func verifyVolumeDoesntExist(
	t *testing.T, expectedVolumeName v1.UniqueVolumeName, expectedSELinuxContext string, dsw DesiredStateOfWorld) {}

func verifyVolumeExistsInVolumesToMount(
	t *testing.T,
	expectedVolumeName v1.UniqueVolumeName,
	expectReportedInUse bool,
	dsw DesiredStateOfWorld) {}

func verifyVolumeDoesntExistInVolumesToMount(
	t *testing.T, volumeToCheck v1.UniqueVolumeName, dsw DesiredStateOfWorld) {}

func verifyPodExistsInVolumeDsw(
	t *testing.T,
	expectedPodName volumetypes.UniquePodName,
	expectedVolumeName v1.UniqueVolumeName,
	expectedSeLinuxContext string,
	dsw DesiredStateOfWorld) {}

func verifyPodDoesntExistInVolumeDsw(
	t *testing.T,
	expectedPodName volumetypes.UniquePodName,
	expectedVolumeName v1.UniqueVolumeName,
	expectedSeLinuxContext string,
	dsw DesiredStateOfWorld) {}

func verifyVolumeExistsWithSpecNameInVolumeDsw(
	t *testing.T,
	expectedPodName volumetypes.UniquePodName,
	expectedVolumeSpecName string,
	dsw DesiredStateOfWorld) {}

func verifyVolumeDoesntExistWithSpecNameInVolumeDsw(
	t *testing.T,
	expectedPodName volumetypes.UniquePodName,
	expectedVolumeSpecName string,
	dsw DesiredStateOfWorld) {}

func verifyDesiredSizeLimitInVolumeDsw(
	t *testing.T,
	expectedPodName volumetypes.UniquePodName,
	expectedDesiredSizeMap map[string]*resource.Quantity,
	dsw DesiredStateOfWorld) {}