
type GenerateOptions

type TableGenerator

type PrintHandler

type handlerEntry

type HumanReadableGenerator

var _

var _

// NewTableGenerator creates a HumanReadableGenerator suitable for calling GenerateTable().
func NewTableGenerator() *HumanReadableGenerator {}

// With method - accepts a list of builder functions that modify HumanReadableGenerator
func (h *HumanReadableGenerator) With(fns ...func(PrintHandler)) *HumanReadableGenerator {}

// GenerateTable returns a table for the provided object, using the printer registered for that type. It returns
// a table that includes all of the information requested by options, but will not remove rows or columns. The
// caller is responsible for applying rules related to filtering rows or columns.
func (h *HumanReadableGenerator) GenerateTable(obj runtime.Object, options GenerateOptions) (*metav1.Table, error) {}

// TableHandler adds a print handler with a given set of columns to HumanReadableGenerator instance.
// See ValidateRowPrintHandlerFunc for required method signature.
func (h *HumanReadableGenerator) TableHandler(columnDefinitions []metav1.TableColumnDefinition, printFunc interface{}

// ValidateRowPrintHandlerFunc validates print handler signature.
// printFunc is the function that will be called to print an object.
// It must be of the following type:
//	func printFunc(object ObjectType, options GenerateOptions) ([]metav1.TableRow, error)
// where ObjectType is the type of the object that will be printed, and the first
// return value is an array of rows, with each row containing a number of cells that
// match the number of columns defined for that printer function.
func ValidateRowPrintHandlerFunc(printFunc reflect.Value) error {}