
type Endpoint

type BaseEndpointInfo

var _

// String is part of proxy.Endpoint interface.
func (info *BaseEndpointInfo) String() string {}

// IP returns just the IP part of the endpoint, it's a part of proxy.Endpoint interface.
func (info *BaseEndpointInfo) IP() string {}

// Port returns just the Port part of the endpoint.
func (info *BaseEndpointInfo) Port() int {}

// IsLocal is part of proxy.Endpoint interface.
func (info *BaseEndpointInfo) IsLocal() bool {}

// IsReady returns true if an endpoint is ready and not terminating.
func (info *BaseEndpointInfo) IsReady() bool {}

// IsServing returns true if an endpoint is ready, regardless of if the
// endpoint is terminating.
func (info *BaseEndpointInfo) IsServing() bool {}

// IsTerminating retruns true if an endpoint is terminating. For pods,
// that is any pod with a deletion timestamp.
func (info *BaseEndpointInfo) IsTerminating() bool {}

// ZoneHints returns the zone hint for the endpoint.
func (info *BaseEndpointInfo) ZoneHints() sets.Set[string] {}

func newBaseEndpointInfo(ip string, port int, isLocal, ready, serving, terminating bool, zoneHints sets.Set[string]) *BaseEndpointInfo {}