
type EndpointSliceCache

type endpointSliceTracker

type endpointSliceDataByName

type endpointSliceData

// NewEndpointSliceCache initializes an EndpointSliceCache.
func NewEndpointSliceCache(hostname string, ipFamily v1.IPFamily, recorder events.EventRecorder, makeEndpointInfo makeEndpointFunc) *EndpointSliceCache {}

// newEndpointSliceTracker initializes an endpointSliceTracker.
func newEndpointSliceTracker() *endpointSliceTracker {}

// standardEndpointInfo is the default makeEndpointFunc.
func standardEndpointInfo(ep *BaseEndpointInfo, _ *ServicePortName) Endpoint {}

// updatePending updates a pending slice in the cache.
func (cache *EndpointSliceCache) updatePending(endpointSlice *discovery.EndpointSlice, remove bool) bool {}

// checkoutChanges returns a map of all endpointsChanges that are
// pending and then marks them as applied.
func (cache *EndpointSliceCache) checkoutChanges() map[types.NamespacedName]*endpointsChange {}

type spToEndpointMap

// getEndpointsMap computes an EndpointsMap for a given set of EndpointSlices.
func (cache *EndpointSliceCache) getEndpointsMap(serviceNN types.NamespacedName, sliceDataByName endpointSliceDataByName) EndpointsMap {}

// endpointInfoByServicePort groups endpoint info by service port name and address.
func (cache *EndpointSliceCache) endpointInfoByServicePort(serviceNN types.NamespacedName, sliceDataByName endpointSliceDataByName) spToEndpointMap {}

// addEndpoints adds an Endpoint for each unique endpoint.
func (cache *EndpointSliceCache) addEndpoints(svcPortName *ServicePortName, portNum int, endpointSet map[string]Endpoint, endpoints []discovery.Endpoint) map[string]Endpoint {}

func (cache *EndpointSliceCache) isLocal(hostname string) bool {}

// esDataChanged returns true if the esData parameter should be set as a new
// pending value in the cache.
func (cache *EndpointSliceCache) esDataChanged(serviceKey types.NamespacedName, sliceKey string, esData *endpointSliceData) bool {}

// endpointsMapFromEndpointInfo computes an endpointsMap from endpointInfo that
// has been grouped by service port and IP.
func endpointsMapFromEndpointInfo(endpointInfoBySP map[ServicePortName]map[string]Endpoint) EndpointsMap {}

// formatEndpointsList returns a string list converted from an endpoints list.
func formatEndpointsList(endpoints []Endpoint) []string {}

// endpointSliceCacheKeys returns cache keys used for a given EndpointSlice.
func endpointSliceCacheKeys(endpointSlice *discovery.EndpointSlice) (types.NamespacedName, string, error) {}

type byEndpoint

func (e byEndpoint) Len() int {}

func (e byEndpoint) Swap(i, j int) {}

func (e byEndpoint) Less(i, j int) bool {}