
func TestEndpointsMapFromESC(t *testing.T) {}

func TestEndpointInfoByServicePort(t *testing.T) {}

func TestEsDataChanged(t *testing.T) {}

func generateEndpointSliceWithOffset(serviceName, namespace string, sliceNum, offset, numEndpoints, unreadyMod int, terminatingMod int, hosts []string, portNums []*int32) *discovery.EndpointSlice {}

func generateEndpointSlice(serviceName, namespace string, sliceNum, numEndpoints, unreadyMod int, terminatingMod int, hosts []string, portNums []*int32) *discovery.EndpointSlice {}

type cacheMutationCheck

type cacheObject

// newCacheMutationCheck initializes a cacheMutationCheck with EndpointSlices.
func newCacheMutationCheck(endpointSlices []*discovery.EndpointSlice) cacheMutationCheck {}

// Add appends a runtime.Object and a deep copy of that object into the
// cacheMutationCheck.
func (cmc *cacheMutationCheck) Add(o runtime.Object) {}

// Check verifies that no objects in the cacheMutationCheck have been mutated.
func (cmc *cacheMutationCheck) Check(t *testing.T) {}