
type ServiceHealthServer

type proxierHealthChecker

func newServiceHealthServer(hostname string, recorder events.EventRecorder, listener listener, factory httpServerFactory, nodePortAddresses *proxyutil.NodePortAddresses, healthzServer proxierHealthChecker) ServiceHealthServer {}

// NewServiceHealthServer allocates a new service healthcheck server manager
func NewServiceHealthServer(hostname string, recorder events.EventRecorder, nodePortAddresses *proxyutil.NodePortAddresses, healthzServer proxierHealthChecker) ServiceHealthServer {}

type server

func (hcs *server) SyncServices(newServices map[types.NamespacedName]uint16) error {}

type hcInstance

// listenAll opens health check port on all the addresses provided
func (hcI *hcInstance) listenAndServeAll(hcs *server) error {}

func (hcI *hcInstance) closeAll() error {}

type hcHandler

var _

func (h hcHandler) ServeHTTP(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {}

func (hcs *server) SyncEndpoints(newEndpoints map[types.NamespacedName]int) error {}

type FakeServiceHealthServer

// NewFakeServiceHealthServer allocates a new fake service healthcheck server manager
func NewFakeServiceHealthServer() ServiceHealthServer {}

// SyncServices is part of ServiceHealthServer
func (fake FakeServiceHealthServer) SyncServices(_ map[types.NamespacedName]uint16) error {}

// SyncEndpoints is part of ServiceHealthServer
func (fake FakeServiceHealthServer) SyncEndpoints(_ map[types.NamespacedName]int) error {}