
// kube-proxy generates iptables rules to forward traffic from Services to Endpoints
// kube-proxy uses iptables-restore to configure the rules atomically, however,
// this has the downside that large number of rules take a long time to be processed,
// causing disruption.
// There are different parameters than influence the number of rules generated:
// - ServiceType
// - Number of Services
// - Number of Endpoints per Service
// This test will fail when the number of rules change, so the person
// that is modifying the code can have feedback about the performance impact
// on their changes. It also runs multiple number of rules test cases to check
// if the number of rules grows linearly.
func TestNumberIptablesRules(t *testing.T) {}

func Test_generateServiceEndpoints(t *testing.T) {}

// generateServiceEndpoints generate Services with the Type specified and it creates N Endpoints per Service
func generateServiceEndpoints(nServices, nEndpoints int, epsFunc func(eps *discovery.EndpointSlice), svcFunc func(svc *v1.Service)) ([]*v1.Service, []*discovery.EndpointSlice) {}