
const kubeServicesChain

const kubeExternalServicesChain

const kubeNodePortsChain

const kubePostroutingChain

const kubeMarkMasqChain

const kubeForwardChain

const kubeProxyFirewallChain

const kubeProxyCanaryChain

const kubeletFirewallChain

const largeClusterEndpointsThreshold

const sysctlRouteLocalnet

const sysctlNFConntrackTCPBeLiberal

// NewDualStackProxier creates a MetaProxier instance, with IPv4 and IPv6 proxies.
func NewDualStackProxier(
	ctx context.Context,
	ipt [2]utiliptables.Interface,
	sysctl utilsysctl.Interface,
	exec utilexec.Interface,
	syncPeriod time.Duration,
	minSyncPeriod time.Duration,
	masqueradeAll bool,
	localhostNodePorts bool,
	masqueradeBit int,
	localDetectors map[v1.IPFamily]proxyutil.LocalTrafficDetector,
	hostname string,
	nodeIPs map[v1.IPFamily]net.IP,
	recorder events.EventRecorder,
	healthzServer *healthcheck.ProxierHealthServer,
	nodePortAddresses []string,
	initOnly bool,
) (proxy.Provider, error) {}

type Proxier

var _

// NewProxier returns a new Proxier given an iptables Interface instance.
// Because of the iptables logic, it is assumed that there is only a single Proxier active on a machine.
// An error will be returned if iptables fails to update or acquire the initial lock.
// Once a proxier is created, it will keep iptables up to date in the background and
// will not terminate if a particular iptables call fails.
func NewProxier(ctx context.Context,
	ipFamily v1.IPFamily,
	ipt utiliptables.Interface,
	sysctl utilsysctl.Interface,
	exec utilexec.Interface,
	syncPeriod time.Duration,
	minSyncPeriod time.Duration,
	masqueradeAll bool,
	localhostNodePorts bool,
	masqueradeBit int,
	localDetector proxyutil.LocalTrafficDetector,
	hostname string,
	nodeIP net.IP,
	recorder events.EventRecorder,
	healthzServer *healthcheck.ProxierHealthServer,
	nodePortAddressStrings []string,
	initOnly bool,
) (*Proxier, error) {}

type servicePortInfo

// returns a new proxy.ServicePort which abstracts a serviceInfo
func newServiceInfo(port *v1.ServicePort, service *v1.Service, bsvcPortInfo *proxy.BaseServicePortInfo) proxy.ServicePort {}

type endpointInfo

// returns a new proxy.Endpoint which abstracts a endpointInfo
func newEndpointInfo(baseInfo *proxy.BaseEndpointInfo, svcPortName *proxy.ServicePortName) proxy.Endpoint {}

type iptablesJumpChain

var iptablesJumpChains

var iptablesKubeletJumpChains

var iptablesCleanupOnlyChains

// CleanupLeftovers removes all iptables rules and chains created by the Proxier
// It returns true if an error was encountered. Errors are logged.
func CleanupLeftovers(ctx context.Context, ipt utiliptables.Interface) (encounteredError bool) {}

func computeProbability(n int) string {}

// This assumes proxier.mu is held
func (proxier *Proxier) precomputeProbabilities(numberOfPrecomputed int) {}

// This assumes proxier.mu is held
func (proxier *Proxier) probability(n int) string {}

// Sync is called to synchronize the proxier state to iptables as soon as possible.
func (proxier *Proxier) Sync() {}

// SyncLoop runs periodic work.  This is expected to run as a goroutine or as the main loop of the app.  It does not return.
func (proxier *Proxier) SyncLoop() {}

func (proxier *Proxier) setInitialized(value bool) {}

func (proxier *Proxier) isInitialized() bool {}

// OnServiceAdd is called whenever creation of new service object
// is observed.
func (proxier *Proxier) OnServiceAdd(service *v1.Service) {}

// OnServiceUpdate is called whenever modification of an existing
// service object is observed.
func (proxier *Proxier) OnServiceUpdate(oldService, service *v1.Service) {}

// OnServiceDelete is called whenever deletion of an existing service
// object is observed.
func (proxier *Proxier) OnServiceDelete(service *v1.Service) {}

// OnServiceSynced is called once all the initial event handlers were
// called and the state is fully propagated to local cache.
func (proxier *Proxier) OnServiceSynced() {}

// OnEndpointSliceAdd is called whenever creation of a new endpoint slice object
// is observed.
func (proxier *Proxier) OnEndpointSliceAdd(endpointSlice *discovery.EndpointSlice) {}

// OnEndpointSliceUpdate is called whenever modification of an existing endpoint
// slice object is observed.
func (proxier *Proxier) OnEndpointSliceUpdate(_, endpointSlice *discovery.EndpointSlice) {}

// OnEndpointSliceDelete is called whenever deletion of an existing endpoint slice
// object is observed.
func (proxier *Proxier) OnEndpointSliceDelete(endpointSlice *discovery.EndpointSlice) {}

// OnEndpointSlicesSynced is called once all the initial event handlers were
// called and the state is fully propagated to local cache.
func (proxier *Proxier) OnEndpointSlicesSynced() {}

// OnNodeAdd is called whenever creation of new node object
// is observed.
func (proxier *Proxier) OnNodeAdd(node *v1.Node) {}

// OnNodeUpdate is called whenever modification of an existing
// node object is observed.
func (proxier *Proxier) OnNodeUpdate(oldNode, node *v1.Node) {}

// OnNodeDelete is called whenever deletion of an existing node
// object is observed.
func (proxier *Proxier) OnNodeDelete(node *v1.Node) {}

// OnNodeSynced is called once all the initial event handlers were
// called and the state is fully propagated to local cache.
func (proxier *Proxier) OnNodeSynced() {}

// OnServiceCIDRsChanged is called whenever a change is observed
// in any of the ServiceCIDRs, and provides complete list of service cidrs.
func (proxier *Proxier) OnServiceCIDRsChanged(_ []string) {}

// portProtoHash takes the ServicePortName and protocol for a service
// returns the associated 16 character hash. This is computed by hashing (sha256)
// then encoding to base32 and truncating to 16 chars. We do this because IPTables
// Chain Names must be <= 28 chars long, and the longer they are the harder they are to read.
func portProtoHash(servicePortName string, protocol string) string {}

const servicePortPolicyClusterChainNamePrefix

const servicePortPolicyLocalChainNamePrefix

const serviceFirewallChainNamePrefix

const serviceExternalChainNamePrefix

const servicePortEndpointChainNamePrefix

// servicePortPolicyClusterChain returns the name of the KUBE-SVC-XXXX chain for a service, which is the
// main iptables chain for that service, used for dispatching to endpoints when using `Cluster`
// traffic policy.
func servicePortPolicyClusterChain(servicePortName string, protocol string) utiliptables.Chain {}

// servicePortPolicyLocalChainName returns the name of the KUBE-SVL-XXXX chain for a service, which
// handles dispatching to local endpoints when using `Local` traffic policy. This chain only
// exists if the service has `Local` internal or external traffic policy.
func servicePortPolicyLocalChainName(servicePortName string, protocol string) utiliptables.Chain {}

// serviceFirewallChainName returns the name of the KUBE-FW-XXXX chain for a service, which
// is used to implement the filtering for the LoadBalancerSourceRanges feature.
func serviceFirewallChainName(servicePortName string, protocol string) utiliptables.Chain {}

// serviceExternalChainName returns the name of the KUBE-EXT-XXXX chain for a service, which
// implements "short-circuiting" for internally-originated external-destination traffic when using
// `Local` external traffic policy.  It forwards traffic from local sources to the KUBE-SVC-XXXX
// chain and traffic from external sources to the KUBE-SVL-XXXX chain.
func serviceExternalChainName(servicePortName string, protocol string) utiliptables.Chain {}

// servicePortEndpointChainName returns the name of the KUBE-SEP-XXXX chain for a particular
// service endpoint.
func servicePortEndpointChainName(servicePortName string, protocol string, endpoint string) utiliptables.Chain {}

func isServiceChainName(chainString string) bool {}

// Assumes proxier.mu is held.
func (proxier *Proxier) appendServiceCommentLocked(args []string, svcName string) []string {}

// Called by the iptables.Monitor, and in response to topology changes; this calls
// syncProxyRules() and tells it to resync all services, regardless of whether the
// Service or Endpoints/EndpointSlice objects themselves have changed
func (proxier *Proxier) forceSyncProxyRules() {}

// This is where all of the iptables-save/restore calls happen.
// The only other iptables rules are those that are setup in iptablesInit()
// This assumes proxier.mu is NOT held
func (proxier *Proxier) syncProxyRules() {}

func (proxier *Proxier) writeServiceToEndpointRules(natRules proxyutil.LineBuffer, svcPortNameString string, svcInfo proxy.ServicePort, svcChain utiliptables.Chain, endpoints []proxy.Endpoint, args []string) {}