
const testHostname

const testNodeIP

const testNodeIPAlt

const testExternalIP

const testNodeIPv6

const testNodeIPv6Alt

const testExternalClient

const testExternalClientBlocked

var testNodeIPs

func NewFakeProxier(ipt utiliptables.Interface) *Proxier {}

// parseIPTablesData takes iptables-save output and returns a map of table name to array of lines.
func parseIPTablesData(ruleData string) (map[string][]string, error) {}

func TestParseIPTablesData(t *testing.T) {}

func countRules(logger klog.Logger, tableName utiliptables.Table, ruleData string) int {}

func countRulesFromMetric(logger klog.Logger, tableName utiliptables.Table) int {}

func countRulesFromLastSyncMetric(logger klog.Logger, tableName utiliptables.Table) int {}

// findAllMatches takes an array of lines and a pattern with one parenthesized group, and
// returns a sorted array of all of the unique matches of the parenthesized group.
func findAllMatches(lines []string, pattern string) []string {}

// checkIPTablesRuleJumps checks that every `-j` in the given rules jumps to a chain
// that we created and added rules to
func checkIPTablesRuleJumps(ruleData string) error {}

func TestCheckIPTablesRuleJumps(t *testing.T) {}

// orderByCommentServiceName is a helper function that orders two IPTables rules
// based on the service name in their comment. (If either rule has no comment then the
// return value is undefined.)
func orderByCommentServiceName(rule1, rule2 *iptablestest.Rule) bool {}

// sortIPTablesRules sorts `iptables-restore` output so as to not depend on the order that
// Services get processed in, while preserving the relative ordering of related rules.
func sortIPTablesRules(ruleData string) (string, error) {}

func TestSortIPTablesRules(t *testing.T) {}

// getLine returns the line number of the caller, if possible.  This is useful in
// tests with a large number of cases - when something goes wrong you can find
// which case more easily.
func getLine() int {}

// assertIPTablesRulesEqual asserts that the generated rules in result match the rules in
// expected, ignoring irrelevant ordering differences. By default this also checks the
// rules for consistency (eg, no jumps to chains that aren't defined), but that can be
// disabled by passing false for checkConsistency if you are passing a partial set of rules.
func assertIPTablesRulesEqual(t *testing.T, line int, checkConsistency bool, expected, result string) {}

// assertIPTablesChainEqual asserts that the indicated chain in the indicated table in
// result contains exactly the rules in expected (in that order).
func assertIPTablesChainEqual(t *testing.T, line int, table utiliptables.Table, chain utiliptables.Chain, expected, result string) {}

// addressMatches helps test whether an iptables rule such as "! -s" matches
// ipStr. address.Value is either an IP address ("") or a CIDR string
// ("").
func addressMatches(t *testing.T, address *iptablestest.IPTablesValue, ipStr string) bool {}

type iptablesTracer

// newIPTablesTracer creates an iptablesTracer. nodeIPs are the IPs to treat as local
// node IPs (for determining whether rules with "--src-type LOCAL" or "--dst-type LOCAL"
// match).
func newIPTablesTracer(t *testing.T, ipt *iptablestest.FakeIPTables, nodeIPs []string) *iptablesTracer {}

// ruleMatches checks if the given iptables rule matches (at least probabilistically) a
// packet with the given sourceIP, destIP, and destPort.
func (tracer *iptablesTracer) ruleMatches(rule *iptablestest.Rule, sourceIP, protocol, destIP, destPort string) bool {}

// runChain runs the given packet through the rules in the given table and chain, updating
// tracer's internal state accordingly. It returns true if it hits a terminal action.
func (tracer *iptablesTracer) runChain(table utiliptables.Table, chain utiliptables.Chain, sourceIP, protocol, destIP, destPort string) bool {}

// tracePacket determines what would happen to a packet with the given sourceIP, protocol,
// destIP, and destPort, given the indicated iptables ruleData. nodeIP is the local node
// IP (for rules matching "LOCAL"). (The protocol value should be lowercase as in iptables
// rules, not uppercase as in corev1.)
// The return values are: an array of matched rules (for debugging), the final packet
// destinations (a comma-separated list of IPs, or one of the special targets "ACCEPT",
// "DROP", or "REJECT"), and whether the packet would be masqueraded.
func tracePacket(t *testing.T, ipt *iptablestest.FakeIPTables, sourceIP, protocol, destIP, destPort string, nodeIPs []string) ([]string, string, bool) {}

type packetFlowTest

func runPacketFlowTests(t *testing.T, line int, ipt *iptablestest.FakeIPTables, nodeIPs []string, testCases []packetFlowTest) {}

// This tests tracePacket against static data, just to make sure we match things in the
// way we expect to.
func TestTracePacket(t *testing.T) {}

// TestOverallIPTablesRules creates a variety of services and verifies that the generated
// rules are exactly as expected.
func TestOverallIPTablesRules(t *testing.T) {}

// TestNoEndpointsReject tests that a service with no endpoints rejects connections to
// its ClusterIP, ExternalIPs, NodePort, and LoadBalancer IP.
func TestNoEndpointsReject(t *testing.T) {}

// TestClusterIPGeneral tests various basic features of a ClusterIP service
func TestClusterIPGeneral(t *testing.T) {}

func TestLoadBalancer(t *testing.T) {}

// TestNodePorts tests NodePort services under various combinations of the
// --nodeport-addresses and --localhost-nodeports flags.
func TestNodePorts(t *testing.T) {}

func TestHealthCheckNodePort(t *testing.T) {}

func TestDropInvalidRule(t *testing.T) {}

func TestMasqueradeRule(t *testing.T) {}

// TestExternalTrafficPolicyLocal tests that traffic to externally-facing IPs does not get
// masqueraded when using Local traffic policy. For traffic from external sources, that
// means it can also only be routed to local endpoints, but for traffic from internal
// sources, it gets routed to all endpoints.
func TestExternalTrafficPolicyLocal(t *testing.T) {}

// TestExternalTrafficPolicyCluster tests that traffic to an externally-facing IP gets
// masqueraded when using Cluster traffic policy.
func TestExternalTrafficPolicyCluster(t *testing.T) {}

func TestComputeProbability(t *testing.T) {}

func makeTestService(namespace, name string, svcFunc func(*v1.Service)) *v1.Service {}

func addTestPort(array []v1.ServicePort, name string, protocol v1.Protocol, port, nodeport int32, targetPort int) []v1.ServicePort {}

func TestBuildServiceMapAddRemove(t *testing.T) {}

func TestBuildServiceMapServiceHeadless(t *testing.T) {}

func TestBuildServiceMapServiceTypeExternalName(t *testing.T) {}

func TestBuildServiceMapServiceUpdate(t *testing.T) {}

func populateEndpointSlices(proxier *Proxier, allEndpointSlices ...*discovery.EndpointSlice) {}

func makeTestEndpointSlice(namespace, name string, sliceNum int, epsFunc func(*discovery.EndpointSlice)) *discovery.EndpointSlice {}

func makeNSN(namespace, name string) types.NamespacedName {}

func makeServicePortName(ns, name, port string, protocol v1.Protocol) proxy.ServicePortName {}

func makeServiceMap(proxier *Proxier, allServices ...*v1.Service) {}

type endpointExpectation

func checkEndpointExpectations(t *testing.T, tci int, newMap proxy.EndpointsMap, expected map[proxy.ServicePortName][]endpointExpectation) {}

func TestUpdateEndpointsMap(t *testing.T) {}

// TestHealthCheckNodePortWhenTerminating tests that health check node ports are not enabled when all local endpoints are terminating
func TestHealthCheckNodePortWhenTerminating(t *testing.T) {}

func TestProxierMetricsIPTablesTotalRules(t *testing.T) {}

// This test ensures that the iptables proxier supports translating Endpoints to
// iptables output when internalTrafficPolicy is specified
func TestInternalTrafficPolicy(t *testing.T) {}

// TestTerminatingEndpointsTrafficPolicyLocal tests that when there are local ready and
// ready + terminating endpoints, only the ready endpoints are used.
func TestTerminatingEndpointsTrafficPolicyLocal(t *testing.T) {}

// TestTerminatingEndpointsTrafficPolicyCluster tests that when there are cluster-wide
// ready and ready + terminating endpoints, only the ready endpoints are used.
func TestTerminatingEndpointsTrafficPolicyCluster(t *testing.T) {}

func TestInternalExternalMasquerade(t *testing.T) {}

func countEndpointsAndComments(iptablesData string, matchEndpoint string) (string, int, int) {}

func TestSyncProxyRulesLargeClusterMode(t *testing.T) {}

// Test calling syncProxyRules() multiple times with various changes
func TestSyncProxyRulesRepeated(t *testing.T) {}

func TestNoEndpointsMetric(t *testing.T) {}

func TestLoadBalancerIngressRouteTypeProxy(t *testing.T) {}

// TestBadIPs tests that "bad" IPs and CIDRs in Services/Endpoints are rewritten to
// be "good" in the input provided to iptables-restore
func TestBadIPs(t *testing.T) {}